As for anime adaptations, One Piece is relatively faithful to manga.It does not get out of the way and changes important parts of the canonical arches, nor any of their characters suffer radical changes.However, it suffers from fillings here and there, either in the form of a complete arc or unnecessarily filled canonical arches.

Extending its fighting is one of the few things that the anime does to differentiate itself from its original material.Luffy especially suffers from this, more than most characters, either in terms of their achievements, features or even narrative development.

10 Luffy puede controlar el engranaje segundo en una sola parte de su cuerpo

After the temporal jump, Luffy acquires greater control of the Gear Second in the manga, being able to keep it in one part of his body, whether the leg or arm.This helps show Luffy's progress in control of his skills, something that the anime does not consider necessary.In fact, every time he goes to the second march, he needs to use his entire body to maintain it.It is a minor change, which is not entirely bad, since Luffy's entire body emitting steam is a great image for anime.

9 Su relación con Shanks es un poco más oscura

Luffy and Shanks have one of the best constructed relationships in the series, although they share very little on the screen beyond the first episodes.Although much of this has been rectified in more recent episodes, many of its manga interactions have been censored in anime.

The anime continues to capture the essence of its relationship, although it cuts part of the edges that entails Luffy's desire to prove to Shanks and, in reverse, part of Shanks's antagonism towards the captain of the Strawhats.

8 Luffy es más brutal e impasible ante las atrocidades en el manga

The anime does a good job by establishing Luffy's will to fight and how combat never seems to affect him, except when someone close to him dies.

One Piece: 10 maneras en que Luffy es diferente en el manga

The manga allows the luxury of making much more brutal events happen around it, such as decapitations and other bloody events.It shows how Luffy has hardened over time, something that is not easily given how friendly and carefree.

7 Es más inteligente que su homólogo en el anime

There is no doubt that Luffy is a great fool in both media, borrowing several Goku features in Dragon Ball, a work that inspired Oda a lot.In the anime you tend to go a little further than in the manga, making it the target of jokes in some episodes and an authentic idiocy in others in others.

This is especially true during filling episodes, in which creators are free to do what they want.It is not so flagrant as to completely ruin the character, since Luffy is not a genius in the manga, but some intelligence remains.

6 El anime exagera la lucha de Luffy con fines dramáticos

Dragon Ball Z is a perfect example of how to extend fights much more than they are in the manga.In most cases, this is not bad, since it gives fighters the opportunity to shine, not to mention that it makes the fight more epic.The most notable example in anime is the battle between Luffy and Doflamingo, in which the latter faces Luffy's King Kong gun.

5 El anime minimiza algunas de sus hazañas

Luffy is much more powerful in the manga than in the anime, just as Barbablanca is.For whatever reason, anime likes all fighting to seem epic, even when they are destined to be inconsequential or show how strong Luffy has become.

An example is your battle with Hody.In the manga, Luffy wins him completely to show the current scope of his powers.In the anime, however, the two characters are matched during most of the fight.

4 Luffy es más travieso en el anime

As with most of the changes in Luffy's character in the anime, the increase in personality is relatively lower, since this facet also exists in manga.In fact, it has always been one of those who get with their friends.In the anime one step is taken.During the arc of the village of the syrup, Zoro and Luffy make fun of Usopp, posing as pirates with bad intentions simply to mess with him.This scene does not take place in the manga.

3 El anime le da más admiradores que el manga

In the manga, Luffy has a good amount of admirers, especially Boa Hancock, a partner of the captain who falls in love with him.In the anime, the relationship with Luffy is much more intense, since there are several women who find it attractive or who want to join their crew.In the arch of the lily of the Amazon, Luffy's relationship with Marguerite develops much more than in the manga.This feature has been added to history through stuffed arches or extended scenes.

2 Luffy no se ve envuelto en seis rondas de peleas de Davy Back en el manga

The fact that there are six assaults on Davy Back's fights of the Long Ring Long Land arch has everything to fill the time, and preventing the anime from getting up to the manga.As a result, it makes Luffy look like an idiot, something that the anime is already good.

In the manga, there are only three assaults and, after Luffy's victory, only releases Tonjit and Shelly, allowing them to return to their homeland.The arch is much more agile in the manga and, although silly, shows Luffy's key characteristics.

1 La versión del anime de 4Kids recorta una tonelada del desarrollo de la trama de Luffy

While this is not true for the entire anime, 4kids has always been known for being extreme and hard with its censorship.One Piece is no exception, since the version is barely recognizable of the original material.

Unlike other adaptations, which usually make small changes, 4kids skip entire arches.This makes Luffy seem even more precipitated than it is usually, making decisions that make no sense, because the events that cause these decisions have been eliminated.

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