Ya había visto a personas en instagram y Facebook viviendo esa vida increíble donde tienen aparentemente todo el tiempo para viajar sin preocuparse por las cuentas. Me parecía ilusorio y de verdad nunca me vi viviendo así, desperdiciando el tiempo.The secret of free traveling around the world que nadie te contó The secret of free traveling around the world que nadie te contó

Sin embargo, desde que encontré las respuestas para viajar por el mundo sin gastar dinero (que nadie me contó), eso transformo completamente mi vida, de forma irreversible. El objetivo de este articulo no es darte una lista de opciones sobre cómo viajar gratuitamente – eso lo podes encontrar facilmente en internet.

Hoy vine aquí para servirte de ejemplo, para hablarte desde la perspectiva de alguien que ya está viajando por el mundo gratis como nómada hace 15 meses.I am super anxious to share my experience because I am certain that will impact many people in a positive way!

Some more skeptical people can keep a "foot back" before understanding how I managed to live like this, super understand.If someone who I do not know tells me that I could travel totally free, I would also have doubts or I would think that he is deceiving me.But what am I going to tell you, nobody told me, is the result of an investigation that I did of my own experience, and now I want to share to help more people.

I knew that to live traveling I would need to leave my job.That meant that I would not have any income and would have an extremely adjusted budget. Entonces, encontre la solución para mi problema: eliminar gastos de comida y hospedaje.

In this article I will guide you how to do that, in addition to teaching you how to continue doing the activities you love while traveling, and perhaps they pay you for that!

Traveling for free: The beginning of everything

One day I woke up and perceived how much my routine hated.I was working an absurd amount of hours to receive a weekly payment, but it continued unhappy.I decided that I needed to make my own decisions and create the life that I really wanted to live.For me that meant new discoveries and environments.

In February 2019, I resign from my work 4 months in advance.I did that mainly to have an established date of my freedom.In July of that year I was already traveling to India to volunteer, without a return date, carrying all my belongings in the backpack.

Me despedí de mis amigos y familia, y ellos sospechaban que no tenía intención de volver para Australia ni para mi vida antigua, estaba ansiosas de dejarlo atras.I had no idea what I was going to do and how it would support me from there, but I tried not to think about that.All that mattered to me was to abandon the life that no longer served me.

Fue entonces que me encontré con el mayor truco de vida de la humanidad – como viajar por el mundo gratis! Así, ya estoy viviendo en el exterior hace 15 meses, visitando lugares y disfrutando cada momento.

Tengo la libertad de ir donde quiera (excepto por el Covid) y sé que soy capaz de mantenerme económicamente. Con la combinación de dos trucos que te contaré aqui, logro pagar casi todos los gastos de comida y hospedaje.

Yo escribo aproximadamente dos horas por día y gano un dinero considerable mientras viajo y experimento el mundo.

The secret of free traveling around the world

The secret of free traveling around the world que nadie te contó

El truco principal con el que me he encontrado en mi vida sin dudas fue Worldpackers.

Worldpackers es una plataforma que conecta voluntarios con determinadas habilidades con anfitriones buscando ayuda en esas áreas. El método detrás de esto es el intercambio de trabajo, donde los voluntarios intercambian mano de obra por hospedaje y comida.

Este tipo de intercambio me permitió vivir oportunidades y experiencias increíbles en varios países, sin la preocupación de estos dos temas. Además,a través de ella tuve la increíble oportunidad de convertirme en una artista conocida en la India y Sri Lanka.

Como una chica que siempre soñó viajar por el mundo de forma gratuita y que no tenía idea de como empezar, me siento muy afortunada de haber encontrado Worldpackers!

Básicamente pagas una cuota anual de$ 49 USD que te da acceso a todas las oportunidades ofrecidas por anfitriones en todo el mundo durante un año entero! Para que te des una idea,$ 50 USD es MUCHO menosque lo que gastarías en una sola estadía con desayuno en la mayoría de los países, entonces ¿te imaginas gastar ese valor y disfrutar un año entero de hospedaje?

It seems crazy to have lived here without doing that, right?Seriously, it is one of those cases in which everyone wins!You economize a lot of money and live experiences for which anyone would pay expensive.

Volunteer and travel the world without spending

There are numerous options available when it comes to volunteer programs.Surely you find something that turns on your heart.Some of those I chose are:

There are other options available, but these are in which I have experience so far. Como amo pintar, generalmente busco proyectos de arte, pero hay casos en que me postulo en temas diferentes, como proyectos ecológicos, ya que estoy bastante comprometida con eso.

He tenido la suerte de encontrar bastantes proyectos que integraban trabajos de pintura en voluntariado. Tareas como pintar murales nunca habían pasado por mi cabeza antes.But I was motivated to be able to print a part of my personality in those places, and it was surprisingly. A partir de ahí,me postulé en más sitios de Worldpackers como artista, recibiendo hospedaje y todas las comidas gratis.

That dream that became a reality happened to the second month of traveling. En aquella época yo aún no sabía que podía ganar dinero, estaba intentando economizar lo máximo posible.The most exciting thing was that, making my art, I formed incredible friends in the places where I was, many of those who invite me today to come back.

If you want to volunteer and travel the world for free, the secret is to add value where travel. Existen opciones de voluntariado en todo el mundo que atienden una variedad de diferentes tipos de personalidad e intereses.There are opportunities for artistic volunteering with WorldPackers worldwide, read:

Travel the world for free and even earn money

A pesar de que Worldpackers cubre la mayoría de mis gastos para vivir, existen algunos costos que no están incluidos y precisan ser tenidos en cuenta.Flights, visas, exits with friends, entries of tourist points, etc..

I met a person in my first work exchange that gave me a solution for that.It was in the second month that I told him about my lack of plans.She stayed amazed with my determination to leave the job, make your bags and leave without destination or rent (despite being madness)

Then she introduced me to the world Delfrelancing.I had never heard of that.

She explained to me that many people worked at a distance and were well paid - was their case, that it provided services for a German company like Freelancer.

I told her that that would never work with me, that I am bad with digital tools and that I had no value skill to offer.She, in turn, convinced me that I had absolutely everything I needed: fluid English and a tablet to write.

It was also she who presented me some websites for remote freelancers, such as freelancer or upwork.I immediately started to apply for several positions but I was not successful immediately.I was trying in administration positions, which is what anyone does when they do not have or do not know their specific skills.Then I got lost with the multitude of candidates.

It was there that I remembered: a year ago, in 2019, I decided that I wanted to write a novel, in which I am still working.I talked to the girl who motivated me and postulated in content editor positions.

"The worst thing that can happen to you is to tell you no, and it is best to start charging while traveling"

Finally, I did an interview for a company, which I just looked like my writing style and offered me a permanent position.

Y más: Viaja, produce contenido y gana dinero inspirando a otras personas en los programas Worldpackers.

Becoming digital nomad

My current job could not be better.It is incredibly flexible, I can choose the amount of services that I want, and it remains an activity that I love.I write content for companies worldwide.Each project can take about 3 hours to be produced and will give me about $ 50 USD.

It is not much, in fact it is much less if I compare what I received before, but today I have a different relationship with money.I am only interested in winning enough to cover my monthly cats and occasionally, I work to enjoy on vacation, like a beautiful resort somewhere.

Trabajar como freelancer me liberó financieramente y también me permite trabajar con mis tiempos.

Sometimes I spend a few days or a week without writing anything because I don't need money.But other times I can write a whole week.That is the good thing about this lifestyle.

Every week I decide how many projects I want to do, which generally revolves around 10.That gives, to the maximum, 30 hours a week if I want to make enough money, but I rarely opt for that amount.In general, I usually work 6 hours a week.

Combinar el trabajo remoto con las comodidades de Worldpackers me permite economizar dinero mientras viajo.It seems crazy, right?I never imagined that possibility until some years ago.

An extra freelancer benefit is the amount of information you learn about online work.Go from being a girl who did not understand technology 15 months ago, to now have my own digital marketing agency. Yo hago eso tercerizando todo el trabajo para freelancers talentosos que conocí a lo largo de mi viaje. Entonces, sirve tanto para quienes tienen espíritu emprendedor y quieren crecer en la carrera, como para quienes apenas desean trabajar 5 horas por semana para vivir como un nómada digital.Also read:

Balancing freedom and motivation

Cuando vivía en Australia era una mujer de negocios, siempre de traje, corriendo de una reunión a otra y sometida a mucho stress.Now I would not recognize any of my colleagues, in the end I can express myself completely and freely.

Now my hair is blue and I'm starting to fill myself with tattoos.And you know what more?I am very happy to be able to live a faithful life to my personality, and not a life restricted by the limits of society.And that does not mean that you have no responsibilities.

Hoy en día tengo la libertad de vestirme como quiero (dependo del país, claro) y tengo el estilo que quiero.To make that possible, all I have to do is work 5 hours per week. Entonces, en promedio, sería 1 hora por día de trabajo más 4 de voluntariado.

While it can be tempting to run to find my friends when the volunteer ends, I just give myself a reality clash.It's just an hour per day.And if I program my time well, that makes little difference in my day, but a big difference in my life.

I perceived that for me define schedules better.My agenda is basically: yoga, breakfast, work, volunteer, lunch, write my novel and then free time.Yes, sometimes I stress me, but finding the balance in the routine and yoga always help me maintain motivation.

So how can you travel and work at the same time?and discover how to travel without paying accommodation volunteering.

What are you waiting to travel the world for free?

Si, existe una manera legítima de viajar por el mundo gratis y cobrar, si ese fuera el tipo de vida que deseas vivir.I do that myself, and I am an common person.Sometimes I perceive that I am fortunate to live my dream and then I remember that it has nothing to do with luck.I discovered those answers through searches and made a jump of faith.

Seeing new countries and experiencing new cultures has been revelation to me.And that is not something that I was able to do for so long if I had not encountered so fast with the greatest tricks of life.

But, luckily, for all those who are reading this, I found you so that you do not need to search.Now that you know how to travel the world for free, what are you waiting for?

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