Innovation Institute By ESIC- has presented the Innovation Series report: "Innovation trends in artificial intelligence."The study addresses the main trends and innovations that are being developed in artificial intelligence and how this technology is impacting business and companies.

During the presentation, María Albalá, director of the IceMD innovation hub - Innovation Institute By ESIC, has been accompanied by Juan Aguilar, director of the Master in Digital Marketing at ESIC and CMO of Shapelets.

La tendencia de colaboración humano/robot seguirá creciendo en los próximos años, según un informe de ICEMD. Clic para tuitear

Application of artificial intelligence

As you advance in the integration of these tools in organizations, understanding the differences between these different types of tasks compatible with AI can help us determine the best tool for each job, find out the best way to support that tool with human employeesand, ultimately, optimize collaboration between humans and machines.

“As progressing in the development of AI, it will democratize, as it has already happened with other technologies, however complex they are.There will come a time when many of the tools we use every day have a base of AI than them for much higher capabilities than they have right now and, in addition, they will be transparent to the user, ”said María Albalá.

Although there are hundreds of AI tools that solve business problems, we can group them into four categories: simple tasks, simple tasks that require ethical decision making, creative tasks with limited ethical implications and tasks that require both creativity and ethical.

With this simple framework, business leaders can begin to control the human capacities in which they will need to invest to make the most of these new tools.

1. Añadir inteligencia a los RPA

Many companies are resorting to the RPA (Robotic Process Automation) to improve their workflows. A RPA can handle and automate repetitive tasks.However, the integration of AI with RPA can carry the automation and control of tasks to the next level.The collaboration of these two technologies has the potential to address many real -time problems.This year we will see more innovative advances in the automation sector with AI and RPA.

2. Automatización Inteligente de Procesos (IPA)

Intelligent process automation (IPA) is another case of use to automate unstructured content processes in companies.This technology can also collaborate with other technologies such as Cognitive Automation, Machine Learning, RPA and Computer Vision to obtain solid results.Investment use IPA to identify inconsistencies in research data, which is almost impossible to identify for humans.

3. IA para ciberseguridad y privacidad de datos

La Inteligencia Artificial creará más empleos de los que elimina

As technologies grow, so do safety threats.During the next few years the theft of data and the phishing will continue to be a problem.With improved cybersecurity measures, IA will avoid cybercrime by detecting false digital transactions and activities following patterns to detect criminal activities.We will see how more and more organizations implement AI to manage their cybersecurity tasks.

4. IA con Internet de las Cosas

Artificial intelligence is an extraordinary technology that, together with the power of the Internet of Things (IoT), provides a very powerful solution for companies.The combination of these two technologies will bring different changes in the automation industry.In the future, intelligent domestic devices such as Google Nest, Smart Plugs, Smart Locks, etc.They will predict and meet human needs.Currently, devices only work in command, but when connecting to AI technology, these devices can automatically predict human needs and initiate other devices and processes without human intervention.

5. Aprendizaje automático para aficionados

Automatic learning will allow non -experts to understand and use Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for which we will see an increase in the number of data scientists.Tools such as Google Cloud Automl will be more popular in the future.These tools help companies add customization without knowing the complex ML development process.

6. Avances en la visión por computadora

Computer Vision can monitor if safety procedures (masks, protection equipment) are met to guarantee safety in the workplace.This technique helps companies in different sectors (health, aviation, retail trade ...) to monitor their employees, identify them, etc.

7. Chatbots basados en IA

These chatbots are able to provide better customer service automation.The conversational chatbots will continue to learn and improve in terms of understanding and communication with customers.These chatbots use Machine Learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) to understand commands, providing natural communication imitating human conversation with users.

8. Hacia una fuerza de trabajo híbrida con IA

  1. El lugar de trabajo está evolucionando hacia una fuerza de trabajo híbrida, donde la fuerza de trabajo humana colaborará y trabajará con los bots para hacer su trabajo de manera más eficiente.En los últimos años, hemos notado la aparición de asistentes digitales como Siri, Alexa y VERA. Esta tendencia de colaboración humano/robot seguirá creciendo.

"The next generation of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence should allow us to work with greater volume of data sources and with real -time information and at an affordable price," said Juan Aguilar.

What professional profiles are companies looking for?

The work opportunities available for the advent of artificial intelligence will only grow as technology continues to innovate.Gartner experts predict that atificial intelligence will generate more jobs than eliminated.Each function, however, requires education and training to meet the needs of the industry.

Artificial intelligence is highly scientific.After all, imitating the human brain using machines is a very difficult problem to solve.The skills you will need to follow the AI as a career are varied, but they all require a lot of education, training and focus.upper level to low -level programming and implementation.

Most artificial intelligence careers require training and experience work in a variety of mathematics and science issues.

There is a growing demand for professionals in artificial intelligence.Companies need concrete profiles that do not find, among which Machine Learning engineer, Robotic Scientist, Data Scientist, Research Scientist or business intelligence developers.

“We see more and more, in eminently technological or technological professions, than the knowledge of the business, how their processes are, the knowledge of the sector in which the applications you develop will move, what our clients demand, as well as the interpersonal andCommunication, are a rising value, ”says María Albalá, director of the Icemd Innovation Hub - Innovation Institute by ESIC

In this sense, Juan Aguilar, director of the Master in Digital Marketing of ESIC and CMO of Shapelets, adds that “the AI will mean the fourth jump in the digital ecosystems and to take advantage of all its power, new profiles will be necessary, such as the Data Scientists and Newtools that allow them to extract all the value of the data. "

“In the field of AI, hybrid profiles are increasingAnd processes, but we must know the context, both the relationship between them, as the meaning and the implications.In the same way, business profiles need to know the capacities and potential of technology, in order to evaluate their possible use for business.The borders between business and IT are blurred to generate maximum value, ”adds Albalá.

Discover in the report more than 50 examples of artificial intelligence tools applied to the different areas of the company: Bussines Intelligence, Marketing for consumption, finance, security, human resources, engineering or new technologies, among others.

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