Cae una ligera nevada sobre Andorra. El día está intenso. Pero la montaña tiene eso. O te adaptas o te adapta. Marc y Santi nos esperan bajo la mítica escultura que da pie a la no menos famosa pista Aliga. Sí, estamos en Grandvalira y hemos quedado con los dos mayores expertos en confección de pistas y carreras del Principado para que nos descubran las dos joyas que el Pirineo guarda en su interior. Dos pistas especiales que pueden dar el espaldarazo definitivo a un país entero. Androrra ha presentado su candidatura para organizar los Mundiales de Esquí Alpino en 2027 y Àliga y Avet son sus grandes apuestas. Avet y Àliga, los dos tesoros que esconde el Pirineo en busca del Mundial 2027 Avet y Àliga, los dos tesoros que esconde el Pirineo en busca del Mundial 2027

Two clues, for link, giant, super giant and descent that can be played with any of the historic Alps.The best thing is that any day, if one starts from Soldeu or the Tarter will have the opportunity to lower them in a commercial plan, provided that it has some level.Come on, how to stay with friends to play a pachanga in the Bernabeú, make a shooting session at the Madison Square Garden or pass some balls in the Philippe Chartrier de Roland Garros.

Marc Mitjana (Secretary General of the World Cup and candidacy) and Santi López (Race Chief) receive us well pertrechados, Walkie hanging from the chest and official clothing of the station.While we are descending the world cup tracks, the encyclopedia opens.They know so much that everything seems simple.Even next to him he has the feeling of being better skier than is.

Avet y Àliga, los dos tesoros que esconde el Pirineo en busca del Mundial 2027

Hours and hours of work to generate a descent track like àliga in which they can be reached up to 137 km/h."At the feminine level it is an unbeatable track.In the male category it is not simple, much less ", going down with them is a delight.At each stop at this descent of about 3 kilometers there is a surprise."Here we have created several jumps, slopes, direction changes, difficulties...", If one approaches, the nonsense is removed.Imagine Dominik Paris dropping with her cement quadriceps and the tickle enters.Under the snow, which does not give truce, we arrive at 'Curvone'."Here the track accelerates and can get to take speeds near the 140 km/h," they comment as if they were going down doing tourism.

The preparation of the slopes is eternal, laborious, kilometers of nets to assure the skiers, snow movement, creation of a perfect track, which is injected with water to become ice and reduce friction.If a competition skiing rubs you for a good band for the cut.They are sharp as blades.Once prepared, the track is no longer commercial.A very advanced skier would have problems standing."In one of the previous tests we discover the figure of the 'endures doctors'.When we realized that if the doctor who came to attend a skier injured on the track, he took off his skis, he could not stand up and could end up in finish...rolling ".

We look at Aliga and we hit a walk through Avet.It is a consolidated track, the best in the world for the giant slalon.Shiffrin herself said it a couple of seasons ago at the 2019 World Cup finals when she accumulated glass balloons in Andorra."I want to go back," said the American snow diva.Avet is a slope delight, technically demanding, without fissure, perfect.Marc and Santi falls out the slice when talking about her.It is as if they referred to a daughter who has made the leap to the university."It is a track that has no failure, both for female and male category.Perfectly technical mixing, speed and unevenness.A luxury".

After two hours of visiting, knowing Palmo to Palmo the two most important clues of the Pyrenees, it is time to replace strength.Another of Andorra's great buzas to get the 2027 World Cups.On the other side of the slopes the candidacy has no rival.It is an entire country.A perfect wrapping.

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