The war between China and some Western textile giants for the cotton conflict in the Xinjiang region continues to be charged victims.Now, Huawei has decided to eliminate Nike and Adidas Sports Fashion giants from their application service, as collected by the South China Morning Post.

Para entender el germen de conflicto hay que echar la vista atrás unos meses, cuando la cadena sueca H&M difundió un comunicado en el que anunciaba que dejaría de usar algodón de Xinjiang por los trabajos forzados a los que se somete, según diversos informes, a la minoría musulmana uigur en esa región china.

Before these accusations, China stirred and called the boycott towards foreign brands. Todas aquellas compañías, que además de H&M quisieron también desvincularse de toda relación comercial con las fábricas de algodón de la región china, han visto caer sus acciones o perder presencia en el tejido empresarial chino como es el caso del Iniditex y ahora Nike y Adidas.

Nike, through a statement, said his "concern" for forced labor reports in the Autonomous Uigur region of Xinjiang, while the company confirmed with its network of suppliers hired in the area does not use material from this region to the west to the west to the west to the west from China.

Along the same lines, Adidas indicated that the German company had never made products in Xinjiang and that it has no contractual relationship with any Xinjiang supplier.

The fact that the Xinjiang Cope region 20% of world cotton production has only caused China and its business network.Proof of this is that today on Huawei devices, Nike and Adidas applications were not available to download.

La guerra que encarna China contra los gigantes de la moda por el algodón Xinjiang sigue cobrándose víctimas: Huawei elimina de su servicio de aplicaciones a Nike y Adidas

In Spain, at least for the moment, both applications are still available on Huawei device, both specific training and online purchases.As usual in the search, a warning message jumps to explain that it is a third -party application, but from the Storete app allows its download.

Business Insider Spain

Also, the boycott has continued to win allies in other sectors of great draft in the Chinese population.This is the case of Eason Chan, star of Hong Kong of singing-pop that announced that he cut their commercial ties with sportswear giants.

The conflict between China and fashion giants for cotton Xinjiang: Inditex eliminates a statement in which it claimed no commercial link with factories in the region

However, both sports brands are still available at Apple's app store, and this Monday can be found on the main Chinese electronic commerce platforms such as Taobao, and pinduoduo. Menos suerte ha tenido la cadena sueca H&M que el pasado jueves dejó de aparecer en estas últimas webs, tal y como recogía Efe.

Also, several Chinese technology companies have erased the virtual presence of this company. Así bien, las búsquedas de "H&M" y "HM" no arrojaron resultados en las aplicaciones de mapas, los sitios de comercio electrónico, las aplicaciones de transporte y las plataformas de entrega de alimentos de China.

The expansive bomb has also touched the inditex giant fully

Such is the magnitude of the conflict, and its possible consequences, that the owner of Zara decided to eliminate a statement from its website in which it explained its zero tolerance policy against forced labor.Also, this document indicated that the group had no commercial link with any Xinjiang factory.

The Quartz media echoed the information and managed to recover a version of the document last December.In it, Inditex called "very worrying" these information, while explaining that after an internal investigation, the textile group confirmed that it had no commercial relations with any Xinjiang factory.

Why does the conflict explode now?

Basically because, for the first time, other world powers indicated directly to China.At the beginning of last week, the European Union approved sanctions against the Beijing regime for human rights violation.This time it did affect the treatment that Uigures Muslims receive, especially in the Xinjiang region.

Likewise, last February and less than 24 hours after leaving the position of US Secretary of StateMuslim ethnicity that lives in the Xinjiang region, west of China, as the confidential collected.

A few weeks before, the US Customs and Border Protection Office prohibited the import of Xinjiang cotton for being using "forced labor" as well as being carrying out other human rights violations.

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