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1. The Shadow of the Past – 2021

This is the last work of the British Lulu Taylor, who has written other bestselling novels. It tells the story of Julia, who lives in Cornwall, a small county in England on the shores of the Celtic Sea. The house keeps a dark past, which left traces on Julia, which is discovered by her children when her father is dying. Many ask "what book do you recommend to give to my mother", and this is a good option since the theme and setting will surely please her.

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2. The Maidens – 2021

This is one of the best-selling books of the year 2021 in different countries and its author is Alex Michaelides, who was born in Cyprus and studied at Cambridge, where the work takes place. Las Doncellas is one of the recommended books to give to those who like intelligent suspense novels. The plot refers to a teacher who has a group of chosen students, who begin to be killed. Their bodies appear with some symbols alluding to Greek mythology, which gives the researcher clues.

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3. The Widow – 2021

José Saramago (1922-2010), Nobel Prize for Literature 1998, wrote this novel in 1947 and it was published in Portugal under the title of Terra do sin, but in 2021 it appears for the first time in Spanish. It refers to a rich widow who is left in charge of her estate and her carnal instincts that have not been quenched. As it is a novel about sexual desire in mature ages, this is one of the best books for women of 40 years or more, since they will probably feel identified.

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4. Memories of my non-existence – 2021

Rebecca Solnit, a well-known American feminist, is the author of this autobiographical novel where she recounts her experiences and her struggle to make her voice heard, as well as addressing the issue of violence against the female sex. Solnit is the creator of the term “mansplaining” which translates as “male-explanation”, to express that men think they know more than women. As a novel that raises awareness about the role of women in society, it is one of the best books to give to a friend.

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5. The Sanatorium – 2021

This suspense novel is also a good book to give to anyone who likes the genre. The author is Sarah Pearson, who was born in England but since she was young she moved to Switzerland, where the plot is set. It refers to an engagement party held in a hotel in the Alps, which had previously been a sanatorium and has a mysterious past. The morning after the guests arrive, the bride disappears, creating a macabre atmosphere. Giving a book like this as a gift will always make you look good, as it captivates the reader from beginning to end.

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6. The Butterfly Room – 2019

Irish writer Lucinda Riley, who died this year, created this moving story that takes place in England. Posy, the protagonist, lives in an old house where she grew up and raised her children, so all her memories are there. But the house is extremely run down and Posy, who is approaching her 60th birthday, thinks she should sell it. Then her boyfriend shows up who stood her up when they were very young and many of her secrets begin to be revealed. This is another of the good books to give away and is one of the books for women aged 50 and over especially recommended.

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7. The Meat – 2016

This is an erotic novel that was a bestseller and bears witness to the fear of aging on the part of a woman of mature age. The protagonist is Soledad, who is 60 years old and to make her ex-partner jealous, she hires a much younger companion, later initiating a passionate and risky relationship with the gigolo. The author is the journalist from Madrid Rosa Montero, who has received numerous awards for her work and was awarded the National Prize for Letters in 2017.

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8. Identity – 2012

The author of this novel is Milan Kundera, a Czech-French national. If you are thinking of books to give to your partner, this may be a good option. The plot concerns the relationship of a mature couple living in Paris. Chantal, her wife, one day tells her husband Jean-Marc that she no longer feels attractive, so he decides to raise her self-esteem. As if she is a secret admirer, she starts sending him love letters. She totally changes her mind and jealously guards the correspondence, which arouses terrible jealousy in Jean-Marc.

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9. Step 33 – 2012

Among the original books to give away is Escalón 33 which, apart from being very entertaining, describes seven medieval castles in Spain and refers to the undeciphered stonemason's marks. If you are wondering "what book to give my mother" or what book to give to a woman who likes castles, surely this is the best alternative. The plot concerns a restaurateur who, finding strange symbols, begins an adventure encountering dangerous characters. The author is Luis Zueco, from Zaragoza, who is a specialist in castles and has received several important awards for this work.

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10. Aleph – 2011

Aleph is an autobiographical novel by the Brazilian writer and journalist Paulo Coelho, who has received numerous awards for his vast work. This book narrates a journey throughout Russia on the Trans-Siberian train and through which Coelho lives the experience of the Aleph, which is the point where the past, present and future times meet, allowing a rebirth. For this reason, this is another of the best books to give to a friend.

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11. The journey of the elephant – 2008

The Elephant's Journey is a book by the Portuguese José Saramago, Nobel Prize for Literature 1998, which was published two years before he died. It tells the story of the elephant Solomon who, at the whim of the King of Portugal, has to travel from Asia and cross all of Europe. Apart from highlighting the suffering of animals, the novel tells the details of life in the palace under the reign of Juan III and his cousin Catherine of Austria, who was the youngest daughter of Juana la Loca.

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12. At the end of the rainbow – 2006

At the end of the rainbow is a science fiction novel that received two major awards in the United States. This book is one of the original gifts for readers who like the theme. It deals with the advances in medicine in the near future and its author is Vernor Vinge, a renowned American mathematician and writer who promotes artificial intelligence. The plot concerns an old man who, after being cured of Alzheimer's, must face a new and totally unknown world.

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13. The Chemistry of Death – 2006

The author of The Chemistry of Death is the English journalist Simon Becket, who became famous with this novel. The plot refers to a forensic anthropologist named David Hunter who, as a result of a traumatic experience, retires to a remote town where there are many swamps. His life begins to pass calmly, until one day some children discover a human corpse in a state of decomposition, with two swan wings on its back.

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14. Greek Passions – 2006

The author of Greek Passions is the Chilean writer and politician Roberto Ampuero, who currently resides in Madrid. It is his second novel of romance and suspense, which is about a mature couple formed by Bruno, unfaithful and detached, and Fabiana, who one day goes on a trip and sends him an email saying that everything is over. Then he goes crazy for her and begins to look for her in all the cities of the world where he suspects that she may be, to finally meet again on a paradisiacal Greek island.

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15. The story of the madman – 2004

This is one of the curious books to give away and also very interesting, since it allows you to enter the world of schizophrenia. The author is the American John Katzenbach, a journalist specializing in the phenomena of the mind since his mother is a psychoanalyst. He has published several works related to the subject and La Historia del Loco is one of the most notable. The plot concerns a man who lives in a modest flat, always on medication, since the psychiatric hospital where he was confined closed its doors. But he decides to visit him and the memory of the dismembered nurse causes him a strong crisis.

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Recommended Books for Adult Men

According to studies, adult men prefer above all novels based on historical events. They also read romantic or suspense novels, but as long as they are based on real events, or set in times, as well as in geographical settings, that provide them with interesting information. Likewise, they like books that refer to characters that existed in real life and also those that contain intelligent reflections on life.

The list that we present below contains a mixture of all the genres or styles mentioned in the previous paragraph. This coming Christmas, give a book of these to your family or friends and you will see that it is a very well received gift.

16. The Swifts – 2021

Los vencejos is the latest work by Fernando Aramburu, who was born in San Sebastian and is a renowned writer who has won several awards. The novel's protagonist is Toni, a divorced philosophy professor who has decided to leave this world. He has set himself a deadline for a year from now and for now he dedicates himself to writing a kind of diary, where he reflects on the country, his life and the people with whom he has shared, as well as what he knows. feels when the final date is known.

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17. Transshipment in Moscow – 2021

This is a light and entertaining novel, ideal if you are thinking about what book to give to a man who does not like to read much. Its author is the Barcelonan Eduardo Mendoza, who was awarded the 2016 Cervantes Prize. The plot refers to the double life of a secret agent named Rufo, who travels through different countries in Europe and Asia. Rufo is at the service of the imaginary prince Tukuulo, who is his close friend, with the aim of having him proclaim himself king of Livonia.

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18. The Violent City – 2021

Qué libros regalar: los mejores 60 libros para regalar a alguien especial al que quieres sorprender

The violent city is the latest book by the Barcelona writer Jordi Corominas, who is a literary critic and has a Master's in History. This is one of the gifts for people who like to read about current issues that have roots in the past. The author refers to anarchy, from the different murders that occurred in Barcelona at the time of the gunmen of the 1920s, when businessmen hired thugs to put an end to the trade union movement, to the recent events that occurred in Urquinaona.

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19. A luminous freedom – 2021

The author of this novel is the renowned American author TC Boyle. This is one of the good gifts for a person who likes to read about what happened in the 1960s, when the hippie movement made its appearance. The plot concerns psychologist Timothy Leary's unscientific experiments with LSD at Harvard. It begins in the 1940s with the story of the Swiss chemist Albert Hofman, who managed to synthesize lysergic acid that gave rise to an important social and cultural phenomenon in the world.

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20. The man in the red coat – 2021

The Man in the Red Robe is a very peculiar work, as it is inspired by a painting that the author saw in the National Gallery in London, which led him to inquire about the unknown character. The man in the painting was named Samuel Jean Pozzi, he was a famous French surgeon and arrived in London in 1885 accompanied by two renowned homosexual aristocrats. They were Prince Edmond de Polinac and Count Robert de Montesquieu. The author of the book is the British novelist Julian Barnes and this is one of the original gifts for readers who like books based on real events.

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21. Good Men – 2015

This work by Arturo Pérez-Reverte from Murcia was a bestseller and was classified as an intelligent suspense novel. It is based on real characters and events and, due to its theme, it is one of the best books for educated men. The plot is set in the 18th century and narrates the adventures of two members of the Royal Academy who traveled to France to bring to Spain an encyclopedia that was prohibited. These two illustrious gentlemen were robbed by bandits, in addition to living incredible experiences in the inns where they stayed, which makes the novel very enjoyable.

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22. The herb of the nights – 2012

The author of The Grass of the Nights is the Frenchman Patrick Mondiano, Nobel Prize for Literature 2014. This is one of the special books to give away for its depth in terms of existential reflections. It refers to a man who, after 50 years, tries to reconstruct his past using the names that he had written down in an old notebook. The protagonist goes back to the year 1964, when in Paris he met many characters who turned out to be very different from what they seemed, especially his great love Dannie, coming to the conclusion that life is a great mirage.

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23. The grandfather who jumped out the window and ran away – 2009

This is a humorous novel by the Swedish writer and journalist Jonas Jonasson and, although the situations are unlikely, you won't be able to help but laugh at the adventures of grandfather Allan Karlsson, who decides to run away from the nursing home where he was. The day he turns one hundred years old, his friends prepared a party for him, but he jumps out the window, dressed in his best clothes and slippers, to go to the train station ready to start a new life. Because of the cute and tender theme, this is one of the nice books to give as a gift.

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24. A day of anger – 2007

This is another of the historical novels by Arturo Pérez-Reverte, a writer and journalist born in Cartagena, who has also been a war reporter in war zones. The book recounts everything that happened on May 2, 1808, when early in the morning the people of Madrid gathered in front of the Royal Palace to prevent the French from taking out the infant Francisco de Paula, which ended with 43 executions that same night and it was only the start.

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25. World Without End – 2007

World Without End is the second part of The Pillars of the Earth, one of the most widely read books in the world for a long time. Its author is the British Ken Follett, a specialist in historical novels, and it is set in the same imaginary city but after 200 years have passed. The work revolves mainly around the pandemic known as the Black Death, which began in Asia and has been the most catastrophic that humanity has suffered. If you are thinking about which book to give to a good reader, this is the best recommendation.

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26. Cape Trafalgar – 2004

Once again, Arturo Pérez-Reverte tells us another episode of history with his didactic and entertaining style. If you are wondering what book to give to an intelligent man, any of those written by Pérez-Reverte is appropriate. On this occasion he narrates what happened on October 21, 1805, when the Spanish and French naval troops confronted Admiral Nelson off the coast of Cádiz, after Napoleon tried to invade the British Isles.

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27. Memories of my sad whores – 2004

This is the last novel by Colombian Gabriel García Márquez, Nobel Prize for Literature 1982, who died in 2014 in Mexico City at the age of 87. In this book, where the most important are the author's reflections on life, the story of a journalist is told who, on his 90th birthday, decides to treat himself to a night of pleasure with a virgin woman, and goes to a brothel where he falls in love. hopelessly of a teenager.

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28. Cervantes: genius and freedom – 2004

The author of this fictionalized biography is the Granada-born historian Alfredo Alvar Ezquerra, a member of the Royal Academy of History and who has received numerous awards and decorations. All Cervantes specialists agree that much is known about his work but very little about his life, which is why Alvar has come to fill that space. This is one of the books to give on any date, but considering that the death of Cervantes is commemorated on International Book Day, don't hesitate in which book to give on Sant Jordi.

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29. The Psychoanalyst – 2002

This work is by the British journalist John Katzenbach, passionate about psychiatric issues, who also wrote The Story of the Madman. In particular, this novel is exciting and is one of the best gifts for lovers of deep suspense books. The story begins on the day that the famous psychoanalyst Starks is turning 53, when he receives a letter from a psychopath urging him to find out who he is, or else the doctor will have to commit suicide to prevent his family from being killed.

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30. Auterlitz-2001

Auterlitz tells the story of a sad and self-absorbed traveler whom the narrator meets at a train station in Antwerp. In 1940 the protagonist, named Jacques Austerlitz, was a Jewish boy who came to Wales where he was adopted by a preacher. He doesn't remember that, but then they told him about his past, and that explained why he had always felt that he didn't belong there. The author of this work is the German WG Sebald, who died a month after this novel was published, which is one of the best current ones on the subject of the Holocaust.

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Entertaining books for young women

According to research information, young women read especially for entertainment and relaxation. They prefer romance novels over any other genre, although they are also suspenseful (to a greater degree than adult women) and like self-improvement books. Like older women, they lean towards books written by people of the same sex and, in addition, choose novels where the protagonists are women of a contemporary age with their own.

Here is a list of suggested books that, according to the above, would be ideal to give to young women.

31. Exciting Days – 2021

Exciting Days is the first novel by Naoise Dolan, who was born in Ireland although she lives in London. It is one of the recommended gift books since it has an excellent review and reflects a very good score on all the specialized pages. It refers to the dilemma of Ava, who leaves for Hong Kong looking for new experiences. There she meets a prestigious banker with whom she is going to live captivated by luxury, but then Edith appears, a lawyer who arouses great attraction for her, so she has to make decisions.

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32. The Art of Cheating Karma – 2021

This novel is fresh and nice while being deep. It tells the story of Catalina, who lives in an apartment with four friends and wants to be an artist, but she never succeeds. When she finds some old paintings while cleaning at her great-aunt's house, she decides to take other paths and take them to the Rastro, pretending to be a painter. The author is the well-known Valencian Elisabet Benavent and her work is also an ode to friendship, so if you have been wondering about "books to give to my best friend", this is an excellent option.

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33. Sins in the Moonlight – 2021

This book is the first in a saga whose author is the American Jennifer L. Armentrout. It narrates a passionate and dangerous romance between Julia and the irresistible Lucian, who is the younger brother of a very wealthy but infamous family. Julia gets a job at the Vincents' house and accidentally gets involved with the adventurous and daring Lucian. If you have doubts about what book to give to someone who does not like to read much, this is a good alternative because it is light and captivating from beginning to end.

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34. An ocean to reach you – 2020

This novel, which was a finalist for the 2020 Planeta Awards and is a reflective reading gift, marks the emotional reunion of a father and his daughter after being estranged for a long time. The fact is caused by the death of her mother, since they have to meet to spread the ashes in the place where they spent the best moments of their lives. The author is Sandra Barneda, who was born in Barcelona and is also a journalist and television presenter.

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35. The Woman in the White Kimono – 2020

The Woman in the White Kimono is the first novel by American journalist Ana Johns, but it has become a bestseller. It tells the story of the impossible love between an American military sailor and a Japanese woman who has been engaged by her father to a wealthy young man from the country. When many years pass, the daughter of a former soldier discovers a letter and flies to the Japanese village where the events took place to reconstruct what happened. This is one of the best books to give as gifts, so if you have wondered about "books to give to my girlfriend" it is one of the most recommended options.

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36. Aquitaine – 2020

This work was awarded the Planeta 2020 Award and has been published in more than 40 countries. Its author is Eva García Sáenz, who was born in Álava and has written several novels. The plot is set in the year 1137 in Aquitaine and begins with the murder of a duke, before which his daughter decides to take revenge through a marriage, but many confusing events and other crimes take place, which makes her doubt about who They may be the ones behind the mysterious deaths of the Aquitanian nobles.

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37. Frenzy: A Vampire Romance Story – 2019

The author of this book is Madrid-born Margotte Channing, who has published many novels that have been bestsellers on Amazon. The plot takes place in Ireland in 1884. Brianna decides to donate her blood to save her sister, and she meets a handsome vampire who is 148 years old and has decided to die. They both get caught looking at each other and the vampire changes his mind. This novel, despite being a vampire story, is much more romantic, so it is one of the books to dedicate to a love if you like this type of literature.

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38. Red Queen – 2018

Red Queen is the first novel in the trilogy about Antonia Scott, an imaginary character that has been very successful, and is one of the recommended gift books for how entertaining it is to read. The author is the journalist from Madrid Juan Gómez-Jurado and this book was widely read in Spain during the year 2020. Antonia, an eccentric and highly intelligent woman, has decided to confine herself to her apartment in Lavapiés due to a traumatic personal episode, but inspector Jon Gutiérrez needs her help to solve a difficult case and convinces her to come out of prison.

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39. Cursed Towns – 2018

The author of this text is the researcher and journalist Miguel Angel Segura, who has written many books on the subject of paranormal phenomena and works for specialized media. Through this work, Segura maintains that in Spain there are many places where phenomena occur that up to now have not been explained by science and describes the facts. Those who like this type of content will find this book very interesting.

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40. Unleash Your Magic: A Creative Life Beyond Fear – 2016

Elizabeth Gilbert, who has also written successful novels, is the author of this best-selling book in the United States. Gilbert's message is that we all have great creative potential that we almost never develop, especially for fear of failure and disappointment. In this work, the author explains the ways to establish a positive relationship with creativity, as well as the correct attitudes to avoid getting frustrated.

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41. Someone Like You – 2015

If you are looking for a book to give to a person who does not read much, this is ideal, since the torrid romance between Jean-Pierre and Paulina will captivate him. Also, it's perfect if you're wondering about "books to give to a woman I like." Paulina visits Paris to attend a wedding and she meets Jean-Pierre, with whom she has a passionate affair that only lasts four days. Only letters will remain from this relationship, and through them her daughter Gina will manage to remake history 25 years later. The author is the Catalan Xavier Bosh, who with this work won the Ramón Llul 2015 award.

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42. You are my love – 2012

The author of this book is Judith McNaught, considered one of the best current romantic novelists in the United States. If you are considering “what book to give my girlfriend”, this is a fantastic alternative. The play narrates a love story that takes place during the first years of the 19th century in England. Whitney returns from France to win back the love of her youth, but she learns that her father has engaged her to the Duke of Claymore. He refuses and angrily confronts her fiancé, but he exerts a fatal attraction on her and a passionate romance begins.

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43. Please take care of mom – 2008

This novel by the South Korean Shin Kyung-sook has been translated into 20 languages, resulting in a worldwide sales phenomenon, in addition to winning several international awards. The book is about how we get used to our mother always being available for what we need, but we don't value it properly until the day it disappears. For all the family feelings and maternal love that this work contains, it is recommended as one of the books to give as a Christmas gift.

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44. The Forgotten Garden – 2008

The Forgotten Garden is a successful bestseller written by Australian Kate Morton, who was inspired by her grandmother's story. It tells the story of Nell, who at the age of 21 discovers that the man she has always had for her father really picked her up from the ship where she was abandoned. Unveiling the secret and finding the truth in a secluded seaside town in England will span three generations.

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45. Time of Prodigies – 2006

This work by journalist, writer and politician Marta Rivera de la Cruz was a finalist for the 2006 Planeta Prize. Cecilia is very depressed because she has lost her mother and has separated from her partner. A friend of hers calls her and asks her to visit her grandfather Silvio, which she does out of commitment. Cecilia discovers that Silvio keeps surprising secrets that she has never revealed to anyone and thanks to him she can begin to put her feelings in order.

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Special books for young men

According to studies of reading habits, young men are not as likely to read historical novels compared to older men, although they also like them. Instead they read more suspense, police, detective and adventure novels. On the other hand, they are prone to current genres such as science fiction, extraterrestrial intelligent life or time travel, and occasionally read non-light romance novels.

Next, we offer the recommendations of the books that would be within the themes preferred by young men. Give books of these at any opportunity and you will see that they will thank you very much.

46. ​​A thousand nights by your side – 2021

Antía Eiras, born in Vigo and writer of several bestsellers, is the author of this ideal novel for those who are thinking about "books to dedicate to my boyfriend". It tells the story of mystery and passion of the Barcelona womanizer Pol and inspector Ainara. Pol has a somewhat shady past and when he thinks he is starting a new life he begins to be threatened, for which he is forced to take permanent police protection. Ainara avoids showing her great attraction to the charming Pol, but in the end the feelings overflow.

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47. Men Who Walk Alone – 2021

The author of Men who walk alone is the Basque José Ignacio Carnero, who practices as a lawyer in Barcelona and was a finalist for the 2020 Euskadi Prize with another of his novels. If you are thinking of "books to give to a man I like" this may be the most appropriate, especially if you have noticed him absent. The plot of this poetic and melancholic novel highlights that depression is not something that only women suffer from. The book recounts, among other things, how people affected by this scourge become attached to the Internet and seek relationships on Tinder.

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48. The disappearance of Adele Bedeau – 2021

This book, which was published in 2014 in English and has received many awards, especially for the excellent psychological characterization of the characters, is one of the good gifts for someone who likes to read detective novels. Its author is the Scotsman Graeme Macre and tells the story of the waitress Adéle, who lives in a small town in France and mysteriously disappears. The inspector in charge of the case suspects a withdrawn man who frequented the bar and was apparently obsessed with Adele, who also hides a dark secret.

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49. The murderer is not in the dock, he is on the jury – 2019

The author of this work is the British Steve Cavanagh, who in 2015 created his main character, the lawyer Eddie Flynn, since his novels are a series. The plot unfolds around a double murder, in which the husband of one of the victims is accused. Meanwhile the murderer sits in front of the jury and does everything possible to convict Robert, because he has a secret plan. The novel has excellent reviews and is one of those books that you can't put down until you finish reading it.

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50. La dama de la Ciudad Prohibida – 2016

Jesús Maeso de La Torre, nacido en la provincia de Jaén y especialista en novelas históricas, es el autor de esta obra ambientada en el siglo XVIII. La novela desborda de sensualidad por todos los escenarios y situaciones que presenta, lo cual incluye palacios y burdeles. Igualmente, está llena de intrigas y asesinatos, que ocurren en la Ciudad Prohibida en plena época del esplendor de la ruta de la seda, además de proporcionar valiosa información sobre la china de aquella época, por lo que puede responder a tu inquietud sobre “qué libro puedo regalar a un hombre”.

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51. La espía – 2015

Este libro del brasilero Paulo Coelho habla sobre la vida de la conocida Mata Hari, una de las más hermosas y sensuales mujeres de la historia, además de que bailaba como una diosa. Ella fue fusilada en Francia por ser acusada de espía a favor de los alemanes durante los años de la Primera Guerra Mundial. La novela de Coelho resalta los atributos de personalidad decidida que poseía esta mujer y es un importante documento histórico, por lo que si estás pensando en qué libros regalar, éste es una de las buenas opciones.

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52. Un amor prohibido – 2015

La autora de este libro, ambientado en el Londres de 1816, es Nicol Jordan, quien se caracteriza por escribir bestsellers. Comienza con unagran fiesta en la que Jack se aproxima a Sophie, aunque ella lo evade por su fama de mujeriego y porque está comprometida con un famoso duque. Pero Jack ha conocido al amor de su vida y seguirá insistiendo hasta conquistarla. Esta novela, aparte de ser muy romántica, refleja magistralmente las costumbres de la época, por lo cual se recomienda a quienes están pesando en “libros para regalar a mi novio”.

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53. No tan elemental: cómo ser Sherlock Holmes – 2015

Esta obra nos invita a agudizar los sentidos para ver más allá de lo evidente. Igualmente, enseña a desarrollar la intuición, lo que se logra con propósito y con práctica. En pocas palabras, es un libro para despertar del letargo en que vivimos, por lo cual lo recomendamos ampliamente. El autor es el barcelonés Daniel Tubau, que además de escritor es periodista, director de televisión y profesor universitario.

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54. Huesos en el jardín – 2013

El autor de esta novela es el internacionalmente conocido Henning Mankell, de nacionalidad sueca, quien falleció en 2015. El inspector Kurt Wallender está buscando una casa para comprar y visita una propiedad al caer la tarde. Cuando camina por el jardín su zapato pisa algo duro y descubre que son los huesos de una mano. Posteriormente, en la noche, hallan un cadáver que estaba enterrado desde hacía medio siglo, por lo que la policía no le encuentra sentido a iniciar una investigación. Pero Kurt vuelve al otro día y se fija en un detalle que resuelve el caso.

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55. La primera noche – 2009

La primera noche es una de las apasionadas novelas del escritor francés Marc Levy, cuyas producciones literarias son esperadas ansiosamente por millones de seguidores. Keira es una arqueóloga que busca una civilización perdida y es rescatada por Adrián de una prisión china. Él es un astrofísico al que se le apagan todas las estrellas cuando Keira desaparece. Por la forma seductora en que escribe Levy, así como por lo poético y erótico de la obra, ésta es una de las mejores respuestas ante la pregunta de “qué libro le puedo regalar a mi novio”.

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56. La huésped – 2008

Este libro es un bestseller de la estadounidense Stephenie Mayer, famosa por ser la creadora de la Saga Crepúsculo. La trama se refiere a visitas de alienígenas que se apoderan del cuerpo de los terrícolas. Algunos son desagradables pero otros demasiado encantadores, por lo que se dan muchas relaciones apasionadas entre los visitantes y los nativos, así como también escenas de celos y otras situaciones muy sorprendentes.

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57. Volver a verte – 2005

Esta obra del francés Marc Levy es otra de sus aclamadas novelas, que se distinguen por ser tan románticas como inteligentes. Trata sobre la relación apasionada entre Arthur y Lauren. A raíz de un terrible accidente ella cae en coma, y el doctor junto con la madre deciden desenchufarla de los aparatos pero Arthur se opone. Finalmente ella se recupera pero ha perdido la memoria y Henry se aleja, aunque luego el destino los vuelve a unir de forma inesperada. Si estás pensando en “libros para regalarle a mi novio” ésta es una de las buenas opciones.

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58. La mujer del viajero en el tiempo – 2003

La autora de esta obra es la estadounidense Audrey Niffenegger. Fue su primera novela pero logró posicionarse en la categoría de superventas tanto en Estados Unidos como en Reino Unido. El libro es muy particular en cuanto a su género, ya que mezcla la ciencia ficción con el romance. Trata sobre la relación entre Clare y Henry, quien tiene la condición especial de viajar en el tiempo sin poder controlarlo.

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59. Retrato de un asesino: Jack El Destripador caso cerrado – 2002

Jack fue un famoso asesino en serie londinense que acabó con la vida de siete mujeres entre agosto y noviembre de 1888. El caso siempre quedó en el misterio aunque se manejaron nombres de muchos sospechosos.La estadounidense Patricia D. Cornwell, quien es la autora de esta novela, condujo una investigación cuyos resultados presenta en el libro y dice haber llegado al responsable.

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60. Reyes que amaron como reinas – 2002

Este libro es del reconocido historiador español Fernando Bruquetas de Castro, nacido en el Sahara, quien además es defensor de los derechos de la comunidad LGBT+. Después de una rigurosa investigación, a través de esta obra Bruquetas evidencia a todos los monarcas, así como miembros del clero y la nobleza, que a lo largo de la historia fueron homosexuales soterradamente.

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Entre los libros para regalar seleccionados hay algunos poco conocidos pero, como se ha podido observar, la mayoría de ellos ha sido súper ventas en distintos países, lo cual respalda la recomendación. Esperamos que el listado elaborado sea útil para decidir qué libros regalar y sólo queda agregar que el mismo pretende ser una guía, no limitante en cuanto al género o la edad, ya que podría suceder que algún libro de los incluidos en un grupo sea más afín a una persona de otro.

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