This Sunday night the fifth installment of " Who is the mask?", a television program produced by Televisa and Edemol Shine Group, a Mexican adaptation of an originally South Korean program.

The jurors and detectives of the second season, in charge of discovering the faces behind the masks, are the famous figures of Mexican entertainment: Carlos Rivera, Yuri, Consuelo Duval and Juanpa Zurita . On this occasion the special guest was Itatí Cantoral , famous for play Soraya Montenegro in the telenovela María, la del barrio.

In the previous episodes of this reality show , the eliminated celebrities were : Alfonso de Nigris (Monster), María Seoane (Mouse), Marjorie de Sousa (Banana), Dulce (Medusa), Nath Campos (Catfish), Braulio Luna (Turtle), Rommel Pacheco (Goblin) and Christian Chavez (Panther).

This time there were contests to continue competing in the show. Three contestants participated in each one, one was saved by the judges, another by the public and the third was eliminated and forced to remove his mask, revealing his mysterious identity.

In the first contest, the enigmatic creatures that participated were Xolo, polar bear and unicorn . Unicorn, who presented the theme Rolling in the deep since Adele was saved by the panel of famous researchers. Xolo and Polar Bear faced a duel from which only one of the two, the one chosen by the public of Televisa San Ángel, was able to emerge victorious.

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66% of the public decided on Polar Bear. Xolo was disqualified and revealed his true identity.

The judges as detectives bet on the following personalities:

Juanpa: Faisy

Yuri: Jose Ron

Consuelo Duval: Pedro Fernandez

Itati Cantoral: Pedro Fernandez

Carlos Rivera as Mane de la Parra

None of them did well. Well It was nothing more and nothing less than the protagonist of the acting comedy Arath de la Torre , famous for his appearances in The Simulators, A Fortunate Family, The Privilege of Commanding, Simón Says, Falling into Temptation, among others. Before saying goodbye and without the mask, the actor performed the very famous song of the 80's Welcome to the jungle of Guns And Rosses.

In the second contest the mysterious creatures that participated were Disco Ball , Cervero and Jalapeño . Disco Ball presented the song Blinding Lights from the Weekends and captured the attention of the investigators who saved him from disqualification. Jalapeño and Cervero had to appeal to the public votes to advance to the next round. The public voted a second time and decided, by 61% of the vote, that Cerberus be disqualified.

Cerberus gave the following clues about his identity: «he is like the air, he is everywhere, he is a necessary evil, he sets goals and fights for them and surrounds himself with familiar faces». The detectives had the following hypotheses:

Consuelo DuvalAriel Miramontes

Juanpa: Chumel Torres

Yuri: Andre Marin

Itatí Cantoral: David Zepeda

Carlos Rivera as Tono de Valdez

Once again, neither got it right. Finally, he took off his mask and the true identity came to light … It was about The Golden Scorpion , whose real name is Alex Montiel, a famous voice actor, comedian and youtuber. His YouTube channels have more than 12 million followers. Before retiring he sang Fox (What does the fox say?) from Ylvis

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Fans and viewers of “Who Is The Mask?” will surely be eagerly awaiting the next broadcast as it will be the first. bring all the mysterious creatures together on the same night and there will be a new special guest whose identity has also not been revealed .


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