News telecinco

09/24/2018 7:44 p.m.

The clothing of the students in educational centers is once again in the news. In particular, after the IES Torrevigía in Torrevieja called attention to several students who came to class wearing excessively short pants. Currently, it is the schools and institutes themselves who regulate how their students should be dressed.

If before the debate was in uniform yes or no, the problem in the centers seems to have changed. Little by little, the institutes begin to put limits on the clothing of their students. This is the case of the IES Torrevigía. The center has been involved in controversy in recent hours because its new dress code considers it inappropriate to wear shorts to class.

“Students will come to the center properly dressed. The use of: swimsuits, the display of underwear, t-shirts with messages of a sexual nature, racist or other types of phrases that may harm or offend members of the school community, shorts and tank tops for students will not be allowed. (boys)”, collects the internal regulations of this center.

The case of the Torrevieja institute is not the only one. Last June, without going any further, a similar situation was experienced at the IES Vega Vaja center in Callosa de Segura. On that occasion, a teacher would not let a student into class because, in her opinion, she was wearing pants that were too short.

¿Puedes ir al colegio vestido como quieras? La polémica llega a los centros

Although the controversy spreads throughout Spain, it is the educational centers themselves who decide how their students should dress. At the national level, Congress got to work on this in September 2017. Then, the Equality Commission of Congress approved a non-law proposal that urged the Government to prohibit the imposition of skirts on girls in school uniforms. A step that was left there, since the Executive has not yet got down to work.

A complicated regulation

Regulating the clothing of the students in the educational center is complicated, they assure from the Association of Mothers and Fathers of Students (CEAPA). “Everyone can go dressed as they want, except in very specific cases. I do not see that there is a need to implement measures on clothing, ”says the president of the organization, Leticia Cardenal, after assuring that it is not an issue that has been raised in CEAPA.

According to Cardenal, the fact that the centers have begun to set limits on the students is a consequence of the change in fashion, which has meant that young people now see clothes that were not there before. “Like years ago you didn't see the skirts that you can see now, nor the shorts. Society is advancing and clothes are too”, she assured.

An opinion that is also shared by the National Catholic Confederation of Parents and Parents of Students (Concapa). Its president, Pedro José Caballero, points to the changes in the way young people dress as one of those responsible for the centers considering this type of regulation. "Society is changing, the way young people dress is also changing and for this reason, these types of measures are being implemented," he says. Likewise, he recognizes that schools and families have been caught a little off guard and are being regulated very quickly.

The uniforms, possible solution

From Concapa they affirm that the forms of dress should follow "the normal and current decorums". For this reason, they assure that more and more families prefer uniforms, since this does not hinder the normal functioning of the center. "Families are more in agreement that there be a single dress in schools, that there be a uniform," says Caballero, who recalls that, in addition, "there are no distinctions between children, they are all the same."

Also, Caballero points out that you have to be very careful and cautious when regulating this type of thing. Something with which they agree from CEAPA. Complicated regulations that, for now, become the center of controversy.

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