La Reforma Eléctrica promovida por el gobierno federal busca dar preferencia a la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE), incluso si la electricidad generada es más sucia y cara, es el mensaje principal que el sector privado busca promover a través de la plataforma digital “Energía para el Futuro”, una plataforma digital con la que el Consejo Coordinador Empresarial (CCE), va a acompañar la discusión legislativa sobre el tema con datos y análisis especializados.

"We have insisted that for what is being sought, we do not require a constitutional change, we needSalazar Lomelín, in the launch video of the platform.

The return to an old model, unusable for the 21st century;The generation of 65 percent more pollutant emissions (CO2) and with a higher cost in 52 percent of electricity for the country, are part of the implications that the reform approval that seeks a constitutional change and now that nowIt is under discussion through the exercise of the open Parliament promoted by the Congress of the Union.

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“La plataforma informativa se puede consultar en y tiene como objetivo explicar lo que necesitamos como país para seguir siendo líderes en la transición energética: innovación, competencia y colaboración”, señala el CCE en el comunicado del lanzamiento.

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A través de este sitio, analizará puntualmente los impactos de la reforma eléctrica promovida por el gobierno, a partir de datos y análisis especializados. Asimismo, busca darle cabida a las voces que están convencidas de que la transición energética es un reto tan grande que requiere la suma de todos, por lo que además de cubrir el desarrollo del parlamento abierto a través de su blog y canales de redes sociales, albergará contenidos y posicionamientos de grupos ambientalistas, jóvenes y especialistas, interesados en un sistema eléctrico eficiente, limpio y a bajo costo.

The changes proposed by the initiative presented by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador would return to Mexico to an energy model to the 1960s when the economy has grown 80 times and electricity consumption is 30 times higher.

"On the platform you will find information about the bad decisions that could return to that past of which we are trying to avoid and how to manage a course towards less polluting and cheaper energies," said the leader of the CCE in his message published in theSocial networks of Twitter and Facebook in which he adds:

“We invite you to subscribe to this platform and participate in a discussion, supported by information.Let's not be fooled anything else with data that we are going to lower the cost of electricity when the cost of which produces it cheaper, until today it has been the private sector "

By forcing that it is CFE who produces most of the energy in the country, the modern plants of the private ones who use clean energy such as the sun and the air would be used and the carbon dioxide emissions of Mexico would be multiplied even in a65%.

Al priorizar plantas viejas de la CFE que cuentan con tecnología obsoleta, los costos de producción y venta de electricidad se dispararían, por lo cual el costo de generación de energía en México subiría hasta en 52 por ciento, lo que se traduce en un incremento para la industria y para las familias.

The fourth argument on the adverse implications of the reform is concentrated in the displacement of expert criteria, preparing political interests.

"The government's electrical reform initiative not only intends to privilege CFE and eliminate its competence, but to grant its general management the absolute control over the decisions of the sector, subordinating the technical and objective criteria, to the priorities of politicians," he saidThe CCE in the material published on the site.

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