We enter the final stretch of the “Hawkeye” (“Hawkeye”) season with a fifth chapter that leaves us with a last image that to the lovers of the omics can reach the heart because it is revealed to us who is the “Fat "that has been appointed on numerable occasions throughout the season.

This episode arrives under the title "Ronin" with a duration of approximately 42 minutes and with the clear reference that we will see in this chapter the darkest side of Clint.As a good penultimate episode, in the end they will be more open sub -films such as the mystery of the clock and the connection with the post -chrcedit scene of the black widow.And the question continues to circulate: will we see Kingpin?We will have a pleasant answer.

In the previous episode of Halcon Eye we witness after a fight to two bands among the protagonists, Yelena Belova and Echo, Clint decides to separate from Kate and follow his way in order to finish the persecution to which they are being subjectedWell, the clock reveals its identity and the members of Clint's family.The fifth chapter begins with a scene that connects with a few days before the postcreditos scene of "Black Widow", where we see Yelena and another widow called Sonya plunged into the mission of freeing the mental control to which all the trained spies are subjectedIn the Red Sala.Here we have a first and important revelation: Yelena was one of the victims of the span.

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After the head of Marvel Studios we have Kate returning to his mother affected by the distancing forced by Clint and reveals to Eleanor his investigation about the linking of "Sloan Lta" and his fiance Jack, making him promise to his mother that shewill corroborate such information.Meanwhile Clint that is being seen against the ropes and afraid that the "fat fish" takes action on the matter and with the sorrow of the death of her friend Natasha decides to recover her identity from Ronin and end at all once and for all withThe persecution made his family and his person.

Ojo de Halcón (Hawkeye) 1×05: Ronin

The chapter is loaded with magnificent moments.One of these is the Chicas dialog starring Kate and Yelena where they are seen good chemistry (young avengers on their way?) And a good friendship is expected as their respective predecessors had.Equally prominent is the plan raised by Clint destined to stop Maya López (Echo), which means having to resort to the threat, something with which Clint does not always be especially comfortable.

The fifth episode of Falcon Eye has expanded the development of the characters and the construction of the world of the series.Worth traveling the dialogues and many moments loaded with emotion.The series does a huge job in showing us that burden with which Clint drags for the gift of life that Natasha gave him, Eleanor Bishop performed by a vera pharmiga that perfectly transmits the image of a worried mother but who has her turn at the end of the episode, or how the suspicion is sowing that Laura Barton is more than the simple woman of an avenger.

However, we can criticize that it has fallen short when providing a solid platform for the end.The episode of next week which will close the series, must close too many plot lines and ideas that have been left along the way, unless it is something that will be open for a second season.

In order not to have arrived at the time, he has managed to direct a good rhythm and leaves us at the gates of the great confrontation and the presentation of another character very loved by Marvel fans.The last scene where Kingpin's appearance is revealed to us has been very ingenious to give us a brushstroke of how they will introduce this villain that serves as much as for Daredevil and Spider-Man.

References and curiosities

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