Las zapatillas de casa mujer son sinónimo de alivio al entrar en el hogar. Esto es así en todos los casos, pero sobre todo cuando se viene de utilizar un zapato no del todo confortable. Por esto, a la hora de escogerlas, no hay que tomárselo a la ligera. Así que vamos a contarte todo lo que debes saber antes de comprar unas zapatillas de estar en casa para mujer.Zapatillas de casa para mujer: Consejos para elegir las más adecuadas Zapatillas de casa para mujer: Consejos para elegir las más adecuadas

What should you consider to buy some house shoes?

Finding women's shoes is not any problem, because in the market there are options for all tastes.Now, it is important to carefully observe some points before making a choice.We tell you what it is:


One of the most important aspects to consider the time to choose some house shoes is comfort.It is true that all kinds of footwear should be comfortable, but there are times that require wearing a type of footwear in which other elements prevail, such as elegance.

However, when it comes to home there is no excuse so that comfort does not prevail above all.In addition, when we are at home we usually perform tasks that require a physical involvement, so it is essential to be dressed and shoes in the most comfortable and ergonomic way possible.


Zapatillas de casa para mujer: Consejos para elegir las más adecuadas

Directly related to the above, so that the shoes are comfortable they must, among other things, have an adequate shape for the foot.In this sense, not only must be kept in mind that the size is appropriate, but also the width of the footwear.Two people with the same number can have the foot more or less wide.

On the other hand, women who do not have feet problems that force them to wear custom templates can wear open shoes on the heel or on the toe.


How are the finishes of the shoe is not an unimportant aspect, since in reality, it influences the durability of the same.The best option is the vulcanized, which consists in melting the natural rubber of the sole at a very high temperature, so that it is perfectly the instep, giving rise to a single piece.

Possibility of washing machine

When choosing some sneakers to be home, it is also important.This footwear has a lot of use, and therefore it gets dirty quite frequent.To do this, we must also observe that the sole is not too rigid, so that it cannot cause damage to the washing machine.


Against what could be thought, the height of the shoe is not an aspect as related to aesthetics as with health.Thus, experts agree that the shoe should not be flat at all, since that hinders the tread and produces wear in the joints.And over time, this translates into health problems.The best thing is that they have some wedge, approximately 2 centimeters.

Types of Materials and Designs of the Women's Sneakers

Materials are one of the most important elements when choosing the best house shoes for women, since it influences both their comfort and design.And within these, natural rubber stands out, since it is a high quality material for the sole, being flexible, resistant, non -slip and providing durability and a strong grip.It is also soft enough to not even damage the most delicate soils.

Sponge rubber can be a good option for the sole, since it is comfortable, but it is not an adequate alternative for people who have certain health problems that require stiffness in footwear, since they deform a lot with weight.

In addition, the shoes must be made of quality fabrics, with sufficient thickness but soft, so that they are comfortable.It is also important that they are breathable.And of course they must be firm, so that when touching them they adapt to the anatomy of the foot, but then return to their original form.

On the other hand, although we have seen that comfort is a fundamental aspect when choosing women's slippers, design has a relevant role also.This footwear will accompany us for several hours a day, and therefore it is also important that you have an aesthetic that we like.

Fortunately, in the market there is a wide variety of sneakers to be home: smooth, with drawings, prints, in all types of colors, etc..It's just a matter of doing a search to find shoes that fit our liking.

The advantages of house shoes

If people have become accustomed to take off our shoes and fit our shoes when you get home, it is because of the advantages that you have with them at home:

There is a footwear for every occasion.And at the time of entering the house, every woman must choose to wear her shoes.

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