In this fashion, it happens as in life, where some arrive and is to kiss the saint and others, however, they have to spend a lot of peak and shovel in hand to get what they propose.The latter is what happened to the Joggers, a garment that men, to which the tracksuit throws them massively, soon hugged, but that in the female universe had had something more difficult their penetration, although already is a reality.

And it is that the jogger is not exactly a tracksuit, no matter how much the anglicism with which they are known so can indicate it.It is likely that this link to sportswear is what has cost him a little since he broke out strongcold.

Comfort and practicality, its main virtues

Arguments in his favor were not missing, so it was a matter of time that he ended up convincing almost everyone.From the outset, in an era where fashion is increasing.Manufactured in elastic fabrics, with the tight waist and with straight lines, with the ideal equilibrium point between the wide and the slim, they are designs with which one could get home after 10 or 12 hours was without the imperative need to remove them.

Cómo combinar el pantalón 'jogger' de moda y que no parezca que vas de chándal

In addition, they stylize the figure thanks to the cut that we have described in the previous paragraph, to which we must add the usual length of this style of pants, above the ankles, something that also favors that one looks good with them in front of the mirror.

And finally, as the third weight argument to understand their success, they have managed to get rid of the prejudices that their haters had by associating them exclusively in the sportier style.This has been achieved by brands designing joggers that at first glance seem anything but a sports garment, no matter how.This, in turn, has given them a plus of versatility that is the icing of a cake that already had very good for all the reasons already explained, getting that, for example, they can be built with them looks with which you canGo to the office without any problem, especially in the warm months.

Sports are still some ideal companions for them, but they are no longer the only one to take them, as we are going to show you by the hand of some of the most influential celebrities in a matter of style that have taken brightness to this comfortable pants from different perspectives.

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