Abrir un negocio propio es prácticamente el sueño de todos. A la mayoría de nosotros nos gustaría dirigir nuestra propia empresa, ser nuestro propio jefe, trabajar por nuestras propias metas y, sobre todo, ampliar por esta vía nuestros ingresos económicos.¿Cómo empezar tu negocio con poco dinero? ¿Cómo empezar tu negocio con poco dinero?

Cuando surge esta idea, también salen a la luz varias preguntas ¿cómo inicio mi propio negocio? ¿cuánto dinero tengo que invertir en mi empresa? ¿tendré éxito? Estas y otras interrogantes invaden nuestra mente y están relacionadas con el miedo que existe a emprender.

But, without a doubt, one of the most constant is the one that has to do with the issue of money.Many people slow their dream of starting their own business because they don't have much money.

In the first instance this may seem like a huge problem, but the lack of personal capital should not stop you.It is usually thought that only a company can be opened with capital, which is partly important, but not having money does not mean that we are definitely disabled from the possibility of opening a business.

Next, we give you some expert recommendations so you can start your own business with little money or almost no capital.The "Entrepreneur" portal gives us some tips that you must take into account.

¿Por qué un negocio necesita dinero? Para empezar, debemos entender las razones por las que una empresa necesita capital.There is no official quota for startups (emerging companies), so we make it clear that different businesses have diverse needs.

First, you must determine how much you need before looking for financing alternatives to grow your company.You should consider the following expenses:

¿Cómo empezar tu negocio con poco dinero?

Licenses and permits.Depending on the type of business you want to start, you may need special records.

Supplies. ¿Vas a utilizar materias primas? ¿Computadoras u otros dispositivos?

Equipment.Are you going to require specialized machinery or software?

Office space. Este es un gasto enorme y no puedes descontar cosas como el servicio de internet y demás costos utilitarios.

Associations, subscriptions and memberships. ¿Qué publicaciones y afiliaciones requieres cada mes?

Operating expenses.At this point we refer to the marketing and communication of your brand.

Legal costs.It is recommended that you have a lawyer who serves as a consultant and avoids future headaches.

Employees and freelancers. Si hay cosas de tu negocio que no puedas hacer solo, tendrás que delegar la labor a un especialista.

Said all this, you have two paths to start a business with little money: lower your costs or access capital from external sources.Here are three options:

1.Reduce your needs:

Your first alternative is to change the model of your business to demand less things from the aforementioned lines above.For example, if you are thinking about starting the business, you can reduce your cost for "employees".

Keep in mind that you can work from home or in a coworking space, this will avoid the costs of an office.You can also find supplies that are cheaper or reduce your production line.

However, there are expenses that you will not be able to avoid.For example, the use of legal licenses and expenses can stop your entire entrepreneurship process if you do not use them in the right way.

two.The famous bootstrapping:

Bootstraping means that instead of starting with your fully developed business model, you start with the most basic.This stage is known as "warming", before starting to shape your company.

For example, you can publish a blog for a niche, generate audience and profits with this audience and then expand your action range.If you can start your company alone, you will avoid some of the biggest initial costs.

When you start receiving profits, you can invest your own money and build the business you dreamed piece by piece.

3.Search for financing on the outside:

To start your business you can find financing through external investors.Here are some potential sources to get money:

Friends and family.You can get the help of your loved ones, even if it is only part of the money you need.

Angels investors.These are individuals with economic possibilities that support business ideas that are being born.Typically inject money in exchange for a part of the company's property, a sacrifice that you should consider.

Risk capitalists.They are like investor angels, but they are related to organizations and look for businesses that already exist.

Crowdfunding.With a good idea you can attract collective financing for almost anything.

Government support for your project.

Bank loans. Puedes abrir una línea de crédito con el banco si tienes un buen historial crediticio.In addition, you are financing yourself.

Taking into account some of these options you can significantly reduce your starting expenses.Surely at the beginning you will have to make some sacrifices, such as starting small, accepting partners or making a temporary debt, but if you believe in your business idea, none of this will stop you.

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