The clock of the Chubutense policy...

...It always advances from six months to a year.It is a rare and proper phenomenon of local politics, most likely because of the atomization that ruling the ruling Peronism has lived in its various versions since 2003, until it reached the government of MarianoArcioni, which was born with the Dasnevism and then took its own shape andmore distanced from local Peronism, but "adherent" from the national government of Alberto Fernández and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.The recent and very resonant defeat of all Peronisms and officials who are existing peronist phylum in Chubut at the hands of together for the change and especially of the recent "Nacho" Torres Senator - a sub 40, in addition - is the one that is accelerating the times in Peronism.

Since last year, an axis of "dialogue" operates in which the mayor of Comodoro, Juan Pablo Luque, Vice Governor Ricardo Sastre, and Governor MarianoArcioni converge.They began to speak for a punctual problem, which was the failed mining law, but that table would be held over time.Arcioni

-Are it sees it "outside"- he is one of those convinced that only an alliance between Luque and Sastre can order a "reasonable" Peronism with which his political front, the ruler "Chubut in front", can converge in 2023.They know the governor, both as Luque and Sastre, that a divided offer could face them a new electoral defeat against JXC, especially if Torres or the radical Damián Biss are the opposition candidates with the greatest weight.

The question is how to make the interests of Luque and Sastre come together, since both feel in a position to lead a project by the Chubut Government.From both sectors confirm that there is dialogue and that the idea is to keep it in a normality channel as long as possible. Claro que en Puerto Madryn sostienen que ya hubo bastante de gobernadores de Comodoro (Buzzi y dos períodos deArcioni) y que «le toca al Valle".And that Luque's people think differently and that the city's own weight would determine an order.Is a Luque-Sastre or Tailor-Luque formula possible?In politics, everything can be.

The option "touches the valley" of which...

...Many Peronists speak completely exclude Trelew Adrián Maderna's mayor. Ni Luque ni Sastre niArcioni lo tienen en cuenta para un «armado" 2023.The versions range from the «we get fed up..."Until the" is not Peronist...", That some wielding that Trelew's mayor, already back" formal "to Peronism, competed in the 20one5 and 20one9 elections for the Front Dasnevista First and Arionista later.

Actually, the problem is much deeper.It is true that the political management style of the Mayor, who tells him what he wants to hear to each of his interlocutors although he must make contradictory statements, has ended up by wearing off his relations with the provincial government and with the main leaders of Peronism.That style is the one that led to those who feel with the right or legitimacy to happen within their space, they settled their political differences with accusations of corruption.But in truth, what differentiates Adrián Maderna de Luque or Sastre, is the political model.It is enough to see how Comodoro and Puerto Madryn are, which seem unstoppable cities in their development, their commerce, their industries, their infrastructure, and how Trelew has been involved by the hand of "poor", to understand it.A city where social peace broke to the point that "not so unknown" destroyed the municipal building and wanted to set fire El Chubut, while the official councilors worried about changing the name to Roca Street.


...All citizens have the political right to want to be the governor or governor.Also Adrián Maderna.In fact, one of its main bishops, Héctor Castillo, has just declared that he will work for the “Provincial” project of the Mayor.Even outside Peronism, if necessary.It is true, it is enough to travel Route 25 to the west and 3 to the south, to discover that some Madernistas began territorial work or that at least some graffiti have made.But what do you have to offer Maderna as a management model for the province?Do you do it in Trelew?Assistance, plans, agreements with piquetera organizations, Pobrismo, low intensity employment cooperatives, distribute nylon when it rains, destruction of the social fabric, and blame Mauricio Macri?It is true that Macri's presidency had a very poor economic result and or to talk about the debt he left.But the tailor in Madryn, Luque in Comodoro and even Carlos Linares, Sergio Ongorato in Esquel and even Rawson who changed political sign, coexisted with the government of Cambiemos and grew the same.At the same time Trelew was degrading.And there is no better word that defines it.

De puño y letra: El «año político

Politics usually give many surprises.But it is difficult for a citizen of Comodoro, Madryn, Rawson or Esquel, to prefer to opt for the "trelew model" of Madernismo.The results are visible.And it still remains to be seen the judicial route of the causes by the incidents in Rawson, and the incendiary attack against Diario El Chubut.Telephone experts could throw surprises, and possible relationships and communications between executors, and some referents, allies or members of the municipal ruling.In the case of damage to the Government House there are a dozen people identified, and four for the fire to El Chubut.The telephone expertise already gave an incredible result.Some of the kidnapped phones - a dozen in total - could not be unlocked yet.Some of the vandals used iPhone equipment, according to information that could access this newspaper.If there is poverty, do not notice right in a revolution.

Chubutse UCR prepares...

...For a renewal process with many peculiarities.For now, the radicals are in the front that won the elections bluntly last year.Before, they lost in the passage against "Nacho" Torres.And now they accommodate internal forces to choose party authorities.

In March, delegates to the Province Committee and Departmental Authorities will be chosen in those places where there is no agreement for a single list.And there are several names that sound.The one who comes with more force, working for it and who has bleached his aspirations is Damián Biss, Rawson's mayor.And it is believed that Gustavo Menna or the current president Jacqueline Caminoa could try to compete.

Beyond names, what radicalism needs is internal strengthening, with the least possible external influence.Examine your "duty" of radical belonging, and then see forward what is your best alliance policy, their government plans, and their best men and women to offer the community, either in alliance with the probable project- Or with related political parties.That is, they must face a reconstruction process.It is true that last year's triumph could make up difficulties.But a party like the UCR that ruled Chubut many years, one6 since one983, due to itself and its voters a "set -up".

For now, and just starting "the previous" and the tours, Biss has started strongpersonal enemies "of radicalism.It is an asset that Rawson's mayor must explode if he is going to try to lead to radicalism around 2023.

In the government they are in full execution...

...of changes.The one who will go now is Environment Minister Eduardo Arzani.His replacement will be Roberto Jure, a "plant" technician from the Ministry, a native of Comodoro Rivadavia.

Arzani's departure has a lot to do with the failure of the mining law.From the Ministry, Arzani was one of those who worked in many of the consensus that had to be built, although they have then exploded.Jure would assume on February one4.And Arzani will go to the recently created, Law Agency for Export and Import.«The exit was agreed...Arzani himself had asked to leave if the mining law was not approved, ”they said in Fontana 50.

Arzani's replacement is the fifth ministerial since the November elections, in which the Government was third behind JXC and Peronism.

The rains have just passed...

...And because of the low level of the river -a different situation on which it has been discussed -, there were problems with purification and water cuts in almost all cooperatives that serve our cities.And in Trelew, the municipality went out to distribute Nylon to the affected areas.Best example of the lack of historical planning on the management of the river, and of the patches that politics usually puts, they are not achieved.There are technical data that show improvisation.The Chubut River has come to send directly 600 cubic hectometers of water, without using or irrigation, or purification.A cubic hectometer is the size of a mouth court, but one hundred meters high.600 of those units go to sea, when with 800 they laugh at one7.000 productive hectares of the Virch in a full season, and water is given to cities.In Mendoza, a similar capabilities dike, with a less caudal river than the Chubut, the Potrerillos dam manages during drought to water with 700 hectometers oneone0.000 hectares and serve as water to one.5 million people.That is, the Chubut River could water "one more valley" and have enough water for everyone.Why doesn't it happen?Because no provincial government, nor municipalities, have the problem of water in the head, beyond the mining discussion that has just failed in this province.The day they really start studying the strategic problems we have, they will discover that cooperatives, municipalities, provincial and national government must agree and plan from "emergency shots" in irrigation channels, new more important water shots for our cities, aqueducts, and manage through municipalities and governments, international financing for the necessary works.Either from small ones, such as additional, or the largest shots as a compensating dike, or the Azud in the Fontana in the provincial south.

Meanwhile, we have water shots of the last century for a population and a greater demand, we have "trout" dikes with which the water of the Chubut river is stolen, we throw a large part of the flow of the river into the sea, and it still waters "to mantle"Because the local economy would not justify the farmers to technify irrigation, either because of the bad prices of production, and for the lack of agribusiness.But when they rain "four drops", they cut the water.And distribute nylon.Poorer, it's hard to imagine it.

Photo of the week

This photo perfectly illustrates part of the problem that occurs with the Chubut River.It is an illegal dike in the feathers area, to send water to a private field whose owner was only fined.A "chas..." and ready.If we are going to take care of the water, you have to be stricter.Stealing water must be a criminal crime.There would be about twenty dikes like these along the river trace.For our editors, this image is the most important photo of the week.

The week in seven phrases

one.«The inaction of our justice, which has not accused this energetic with the symphin of terrorist crimes committed by him and his accomplices against the citizens of good (...), added to the complicity of the national government towards these criminals and terrorists leaves the region and especially Chubut and Río Negro in complete unprotection and loneliness ".(Former Chubut Security Minister Federico Massoni, and the order to free Facundo Jones Huala in Chile).

2."Mapuche revolutionary organizations have to continue on the path of sabotage to large companies, to expel Benetton and Forestry".(Facundo Jones Huala, in Temuco, shortly after benefiting with probation).

3.«I will work for the mayor's project...".(Héctor Castillo, former Secretary of Social Action and now councilor, proposing Maderna for the Government.He also said that it can be outside the PJ, on a front).

4. «La próxima semana firmaremos el contrato de inicio de obra de reparación del sistema de balizamiento del Aeropuerto de Trelew y comenzarán las tareas preliminares".(Nth official announcement in a few years.This time, on behalf of Trelew's mayor, Adrián Maderna.It must be signed this week).

5. «El Gobierno provincial no ejerce como corresponde el poder de Policía y el Instituto Provincial del Agua (IPA) aplica o amaga con sanciones dinerarias que no solucionan el problema".(National Senator Edith Terenzi, after verifying the illegal deviations of the Chubut River in the feathers area).

6.«The Trelew Electric Cooperative announces that due to the turbidity presented...".(Communiqué of the local cooperative, which is repeated every time it rains).

7.«The decision of the national government to leave our province was arbitrary and restrictive, Chubut produces energy for the whole country and deserves to be contemplated...". (Parte de un proyecto de resolución del senador nacional Ignacio «Nacho" Torres, reclamando que nuestra provincia sea incluida en un clúster de energías renovables, en el que no fue tenida en cuenta).

Trelew's black mirror

«Nos tenemos que enfocar en Trelew para que sea un espejo territorial para la provincia", dijo Héctor Castillo al hacer pública la aspiración del intendente Adrián Maderna de competir por la Gobernación en 2023.But put to the city as the example of a provincial project, did not seem the best launch.With almost eight years of management and sustained growth of unemployment, poverty, crime, welfare as a method and the general deterioration of society, Trelew's management model is not exemplary or tempting. Todo esto, aunque el discurso oficial sea señalar la gestión del ex presidente Mauricio Macri como la mayor responsable, parece ser «el espejo" que el ex secretario Castillo quiere llevar al resto de la provincia como muestra del proyecto madernista.

It is difficult to understand, but the truth is that the race is launched.And in parallel the dispute for the succession began, or at least for being a candidate of the same space in Trelew.We already exhibited last week in this same column how aspirations within Madernismo began to appear, with the method of strong complaint through social networks and unprecedented probative. Por cierto, luego de la acusación que la diputada provincial Leila Lloyd Jones hizo contra el secretario de Planificación, Sebastián De la Vallina, señalándole por «hacer negocios", comenzó a sonar la posibilidad del regreso a la Municipalidad de un ex funcionario de buenas migas con el esposo y asesor legislativo de la diputada.

Returning to the launch of Maderna-2023, it was also Héctor Castillo who explained that he does not necessarily sign up for the Government inside the Justicialist Party.To all this, it is worth asking what happens in the PJ that all those who want to be candidates for governor already handle alternatives on the outside: they think about it from Sastrismo, the drivers of the candidacy of the commodorense Juan Pablo Luque.And Maderna is also determined to launch and does not close on the margins of justicialism.

The truth is that Madernismo began to tour the province with electoral aspiration.And although it seems incomprehensible, it shows as its task in Trelew, which stands out for their social work, the growth of a large number of employee demanding employees sustained from the municipal state, productive food projects for self -support and the permanent relationship withmultipurpose social movements.

People say that...

...to the former member of those "brilliant young people..." del dasnevismo, Pablo Mamet, le reclamaron fuerte por una fiesta en el predio del Club Huracán, la «Fiesta Bresh".It seems that in the demanding sanitary protocols that were applied, they forgot to respect the rest of the neighbors.MAMET, as is known, is president of the club.

...The matter was that in full party, the journalist and neighbor of the María Giselle Castro area asked Mamet. Luego, la periodista relató el «playlist" de la música durante toda la madrugada del one6, en la que parece que fue imposible conciliar el sueño para quienes viven en la zona.

...Mamet made some posts about the party itself and the fate of money for Trelew firefighters, but did not respond on annoying noises.Former Dasnevista Minister does not hide his desire to be a candidate for Trelew's mayor and in fact last year he walked near JXC.But it seems that the aim with the neighbors must refine.

...uno de los que resultó afectado fuerte por el Covid en esta tercera ola fue el senador nacional «Nacho" Torres.He spent the weekend in bed and with his throat literally lit fire by the virus.

...The decision to grant the probation to Facundo Jones Huala in Chile generates discomfort on this side of the border.Although Jones Huala cannot legally enter Argentina, an agreement between the two countries would allow him to return.We will have to follow these movements, and see what position the current Minister of Security of the Province adopts, Leonardo Das Neves. Su antecesor, Federico Massoni, ya trató de «terrorista" a Jones Huala.

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