If what you are looking for is to laugh at Netflix, this is the list you were looking for.We know that there are many titles on the 'streaming' platform and it is difficult to decide, but we give you precise reasons for the decision to be much easier.And all these series that we put here will make you a good time.For different reasons, from different genres and formats, and with characters of all kinds.There is no margin of error: they are, in addition to tremendously fun, some of the best series of the moment.

Few things are more grateful than to give the 'next episode' button in a good comic series after a hard work day. And it is not always easy to find that perfect option. For example, those who enjoy adolescent scenarios and 'coming-of-August' can bet on titles such as the successful 'sex education', an exploration of youth from confusion for sex and family problems, and also the recent 'I never', that between joke and joke also deal with the loss. If instead you look for something more 'sitcom' style, of those that give you known spaces and do not move too much from there, you can not miss the iconic 'Community', set in a university with the most eccentric personalities, and the lovely one ' Day by day ', a classical situation comedy that follows a Cuban family in the United States (on top of the Oscar -winning Rita Moreno of' West Side Story ', which is unbeatable). What if you want more original and different proposals? We also have: Do not miss 'Crazy former Girlfriend', which mixes comedy with the musical, and 'American Vandal', which makes fun of the 'True Crime' formats creating his own in the context of youth vandalism.

Las 30 mejores series de comedia de Netflix para reír

Choose yours and give the play.But be careful: your cheeks will hurt.

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