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Cientos de mujeres en Países Bajos se rebautizan en la red social LinkedIn como "Peter" para denunciar la desigualdad de género en el mercado laboral, después de que un estudio mostrara que hay más directores ejecutivos (CEO) con ese mismo nombre en las grandes empresas neerlandesas que mujeres ocupando el cargo.

Women keep this week - until the 28th - their last name, their photo and all the details of the curriculum in their LinkedIn profile, a network oriented precisely to work use, but adopt Peter's male name.

They denounce that there are more men with the same name as women at the head of large companies that are quoted in the stock market;The female presence in its directors around 13%;Only 14% of managers within the 100 largest companies in the Netherlands are women, and this amounts to 28% in the middle managers.

Outside the business world, the dynamics are not very different: less than 25% of university professors are women, only 37% of the seats of the Dutch Parliament occupy them.

Las mujeres también pueden ser

La campaña la iniciaron las organizaciones WOMEN Inc. y BrandedU, en base a estos datos que incluyen información de 2020 de la Oficina de Planificación Social y Cultural (SCP) -que elabora informes para el gobierno y parlamento- y la oficina central de estadísticas (CBS), así como un estudio del proveedor de datos Equileap.

"Such a lack of diversity at the top of the company should not exist. Las mujeres están fuertemente subrepresentadas en los puestos de toma de decisiones, cuando se ha demostrado que la diversidad en la cima genera beneficios", explican los organizadores de la campaña mijnnaamispeter.nl ("Mi nombre es Peter", en neerlandés).

An analysis of a list of 94 executive directors from 93 companies that are quoted in the stock market showedThe campaign, Cécile Wansink.

Según el Índice de Igualdad de Género (2021), Países Bajos obtiene la peor puntuación de Europa en la representación de mujeres en puestos de dirección.

"Gender stereotypes are an important barrier for women to reach the top.But the unequal distribution of work and care also plays an important role in the employment opportunities of women, who dedicate 1.5 times longer than men to unpaid care tasks, "they underline.

A study published in September stressed that retired men in the Netherlands receive an average pension of 34.000 euros a year, while women get almost 20.000 euros, una diferencia de más del 40%, situando la brecha de género en el sistema neerlandesas como la peor de la Unión Europea (UE), solo por detrás de Chipre.

An advisory group on sociocultural issues last year warned that women are underrepresented in management roles in the Netherlands because they are more likely to have to work part -time, and only those who work at least 28 hours per week has the possibility of ascendingto medium management positions.

When decisions are only made by homogeneous groups (sex, age and color), the quality and balance of these decisions and organizations falls cease to be "a reflection of society," says Women Inc.and brandedu.

The government is already trying to legislate in this field.This month a law entered into force that forces at 5.000 larger signatures from Netherlands to establish concrete objectives to guarantee a greater gender balance between the Board of Directors and Senior Management, a measure that has the support of business unions.Además, establece una cuota de género obligatoria en los consejos de supervisión de las empresas que cotizan en bolsa, para garantizar que al menos el 30% de sus miembros sean mujeres.

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