Yoseline Hoffman made a new video for her YouTube channel "JustYos" to talk about her new projects and businesses that she will dedicate herself to now that she is out of prison, after five months in detention.

In a video lasting just over 3 minutes, the digital content creator assured that she would never have imagined losing her freedom, but after entering Santa Martha Acatitla she has experienced a "total catharsis".

Ella yoseline stated that for now she will take time to recover and heal physically and emotionally next to her loved ones, in addition to the fact that she wants to resume her studies in Psychology.

The digital content creator will also take up the recordings of "Somos dos", for the YouTube channel that she has with her boyfriend, Gerardo González:

"I'm going to resume my psychology studies that were interrupted, we're going to continue with the "Somos dos" podcast, where Gerardo and I came out talking about different topics."

This will be the new business that is about to launch

YosStop revela cuál será su nuevo NEGOCIO tras salir de prisión (VIDEO)

Yoseline Hoffman also said that she is about to launch her casual sports brand clothing, since she likes to practice yoga and other physical activities.

"It won't be long before I present to you the brand of my casual sportswear that I had already told you about at some point and along with this there are also yoga videos because it really was something essential for me at this time of my life, it helped me survive" .

She assured that she works on this project for women

YosStop also said that she is working on a project to help women who are deprived of liberty, not only in Mexico but in the United States:

"There are also new projects, many, starting with that of a woman in prison where I want to help women in prison to amplify their voice, and only in Mexico but throughout the world. I am also going to make videos of the courses that I am going to to take awareness and feminist groups".

What will happen to the JustYos channel?

The also businesswoman was honest and explained to her community what would happen to the JustYos YouTube channel, where she used to criticize other people; some of them qualified as very aggressive.

"The Yos Yos channel, I know, they will wonder what will become of it. It will change, it will have a restructuring, it will change its perspective, there will no longer be destructive criticism. From today everything will be constructive, whatever contributes, whatever adds up, whatever helps".

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Yoseline Hoffman YosStopnew business

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