(CNN)-More than 80 students were potentially exposed to COVID-19 on the first day of class in reindeFather as the child tested positive for a virus test just two days before, said officials of the Washoe County Health District.

Exposed students had to take quarantine at home and started distance learning on Tuesday, said the Washoe County School District.

In a letter sent on Tuesday to the parents of the affected students, director Brandon Bringhurst said that if their child is completely vaccinated, parents can take the vaccination card to school and the student can resume classes in person immediately.Affected students can also do a COVID-19 test on August 14 or later.And if they give negative and have no symptoms, they can return to school on August 17.

The school district did not share information about the student who went to school after the positive test or their parents.The father refused to communicate with the health district of Washoe County or with school officials, said the health district.

Un padre envió a su hijo a la escuela después de dar positivo en una prueba de covid-19; más de 80 estudiantes fueron puestos en cuarentena

"We are not looking to invest our limited resources in presenting charges against parents at this time," said the health district in a statement."We seek the cooperation of the members of our community."


The announcement occurs when schools throughout the country are starting the new academic year and navigating the safest way for a time when Covid-19 and hospitalizations, even among younger Americans, are increasing and thestudents under 12 are not yet eligible for a vaccine.In some states, including Texas and Florida, local leaders have disagreed with their governors about masks in schools.

The students of Garden of Infants to Grade 12, the school staff, the parents and the visitors must use covers for the face within the school buildings The Washoe County, regardless of the vaccination status, according to the state directive.

The current Covid-19 positivity rate in Washoe is 17%, and the number of cases in children up to 17 years increased approximately 2.6 times between June and July, according to the Health District.

More than 58% of residents of 12 years or more have been completely vaccinated, according to county data.


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