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Por Eva López. Actualizado: 23 julio 2021

Seasonal fruits offer us endless benefits, among which their low cost and better quality stand out.To take them, we can do so by ingesting two pieces of daily fruit or including them in our favorite desserts.Also, especially when we have a surplus, another delicious option is to make a jam with them.

One of the most popular and appreciated jams is that of plum, a fruit with numerous health benefits.Do you want to know how to make homemade plum jam?Take note of the ingredients and get to work!Keep reading this article by Uncom.

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The first step to make plum jam to conserve is to wash the plums.To do this, use plenty of water and rub all the fruit with your fingers.Once washed, open them in half to remove the bones and cut them into small pieces without peeling them.It is advisable that the pieces are not large.The smaller, the better the sugar will be absorbed and faster will be cooked.


Place the chopped plums in the pot that you will wear to make the jam.The most advisable thing is to use a large pot so that plums are not all grouped and the jam is better cooked.Add the sugar and lemon juice spreading throughout the fruits.Mix well to impregnate each piece of plum with sugar and lemon.

Cómo hacer mermelada de ciruela

If you think this jam recipe has too much sugar, learn how to make sugarless plum jam in this other article.


When you removed it well, cover the pot and let it stand in the refrigerator for about two hours.In this way, plums will begin to absorb sugar and release their juice.


After the weather, remove the refrigerator pot and heat it over medium heat.You must remove the plum jam from time to time so that they do not stay in the background and burn.It can take about 1 hour to take the proper consistency of jam, so you must be patient.If you consider that it is too thick you can add a cup of water.


You will know that plum jam is ready when when you take a little with a spoon and drop it, the drops fall slowly and grouped together.If, on the contrary, the texture is too liquid, it will need a few more cooking minutes.


When the jam has the consistency you want, you can leave it as is, with pieces of fruit.You can also crush plum jam with Thermomix or a blender, obtaining a smoother and more light texture.


Once finished, save the glass jam jam.To prevent food from spoiled quickly, jars must be sterilized.In this other article we tell you how to sterilize the boats for preserves.


For plum jam to be preserved for a longer time, you must make a vacuum packaging.To do this, place a clean cloth at the base of a pot, put the jars covered on top (standing), cover them with water and heat them over medium heat.Let it boil for 20-30 minutes and turn off the fire.Then, let the jars cool, stop them and reserve them.If you have doubts, discover how to pack in glass boats in this other article.


Now that you know how plum jam, keep in mind that homemade jams do not last as much as industrialists.Once the jar must consume it before three weeks and save it in the refrigerator.It serves in the toast of breakfast, in toasts as an appetizer or, even, being part of other sweets, such as the cheese cake.

If you want to read more articles similar to how to make plum jam, we recommend that you enter our recipe category.


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