In Spain, the Feng Shui has begun to be used to activate positive energy with traditions such as placing the bed in a certain position.We also have other symbols such as the elephant, a symbol that usually attracts luck if you know how and where to place it.In addition, the location you choose will be determined by what you want to activate, so the home placement of the lucky elephant is so important.

And it is that each area of our home dominates certain aspects of life.Therefore, when you place an elephant in a stay, according to Feng Shui, you will be enhancing the Chi energy linked to that area of your life.Discover how to place the elephant of luck according to Feng Shui!

The symbolism of the elephant in Feng Shui

Feng Shui consists of a philosophy of Taoist origin based on the harmonious and conscious occupation of space, thus achieving a positive influence on its guests.On the other hand, the elephant is considered a sacred animal in diverse Asian cultures.

In others, it is also considered one of the most wonderful creatures, and therefore is very admired.For example, according to Buddhism, elephants are one of the most sacred treasures of Buddha.Thus, over time, this animal has come to symbolize countless things, and all positive.Among them, we highlight the following:

Hogar of the Lucky Elephant according to Feng Shui

To enjoy all these advantages and attract luck at home, we will have to follow the indications of Feng Shui to know how to place it.In addition, according to the material with which your elephant is manufactured, it will have an application or another.These are the most common:

Cómo colocar el elefante de la suerte según el Feng Shui

1. If you place one or two elephant statues at the main door, you will attract good luck to the home, as well as reinforce the protection and strength of the family.In these situations, they are usually called ‘elephants of many blessings’.According to Feng Shui, these elephants must have the trunk up, as they symbolize good luck, prosperity and victory.Instead, those who have the trunk down represent conception and longevity.

2. Elephants are also used as protectors and guardians of the house.They help maintain the energy you attract and keep it inside your home while keeping the door of bad energies.In addition, they also prevent Chi positive energy from being marked.

3. When you place two elephants in the bedroom you are promoting fidelity and love between two people.But you can also place them in your office or study to improve love among other couples, as well as labor productivity.

4. The statues of an elephant mom with her baby symbolize love and union between a mother and her children.Therefore, placing them in your family area will make this link stronger.

5. Couples who wish to conceive a child must place elephant figures in their room, as they symbolize fertility.You can use a group of seven elephants since, according to Feng Shui, this number represents children.You can also stimulate the Chi energy of fertility by placing an elephant mother with her baby.

6. Another home placement of the lucky elephant is to put it in your child's room to give knowledge and ensure academic success according to Feng Shui.You can place it on his desk or where he performs his tasks.

As we said before, the material from which the elephant is prepared will influence a specific environment to achieve appropriate balance.Therefore, when the elephant contains glass, for example, it can also be used to balance the elements based on that object.

Finally, if you place the figure of a frog or a monkey in an elephant in the north direction, it will promote the stability of your professional career.

How to place the elephant to attract luck at home

According to Feng Shui, knowing the home placement of the lucky elephant will make the difference between repelling or attracting Chi energy.Therefore, the ideal will be to place the elephant always looking into the room.Otherwise, if you put your elephant looking at the door of your home, luck will go out again.

Specifically, white elephants have been considered, especially in Southeast Asia, as bearers of good luck.This is because, according to tradition, these animals are sprayed with gold powder dissolved in water, silver and nine different types of precious stones.In addition, they ensure that their thick skin type makes everything slip them, something we should learn from them.

Apart from all the ways that we have indicated for the home placement of the Lucky Elephant according to Feng Shui, there are other recommendations that you should take into account.For example, the elephant will become the protector and guardian of the home, but can also help maintain economic abundance inside the home.To do this, place a screw screwed in the tube.

As you could see, the place where we place our figure or elephant figures will be relevant to the objective we want to achieve.But, in general, it will be our talisman to attract luck at home.

Finally, we want to make it clear that, despite the criticisms that the Feng Shui system has received, what is clear is that we are surrounded by energy, and this can be guided for one or other purposes.It is simply a matter of knowing how to handle such energy.What luck floods your home with your lucky elephant!

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