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En el ejercicio aeróbico, el jumping fitness se ha perfilado como la principal alternativa para bajar de peso, mejorar la resistencia y reducir el impacto en las articulaciones. Hoy te contamos qué es y cómo practicarlo.

Revisado y aprobado por el médico Leonardo Biolatto.Jumping fitness: ¿cómo practicarlo? Jumping fitness: ¿cómo practicarlo?

Written by Josberth Johan Benitez Colmenares

Last update: May 03, two0two1

Jumping Fitness, also known as Body Jump, is a discipline created in two001 in the Czech Republic.The instructors Jana Svodova and Tomas Burianek combined the principles of aerobic exercises with an elastic or trampoline bed, with the aim of minimizing the impact on the joints and making the most dynamic classes.

The sessions of this discipline are developed over 45 or 60 minutes, with background music to guide each exercise and with variations in the intensity of the movements.It relates, in this way, with other practices, such as Body Pump, Body Balance, Fitboxing, Pilates and Spinning.It is distinguished from all in which the exercises are performed on an elastic bed.

In recent years there was an increase in interest on gyms and sports lovers.Today it is practiced in 30 countries and is emerging as an alternative to conventional aerobic exercises.This is why we teach you how to make Jumping Fitness and some of its benefits.

What benefits does Jumping Fitness have?

The main reason for Jumping Fitness is found in relief in the joints.Some aerobic disciplines generate an impact on the knees, ankles and hip, which derives over time in wear, pain, inflammation and injuries.

Jumping fitness: ¿cómo practicarlo?

The elastic bed on which the exercises are performed helps considerably relieve tension in these areas, since each movement is cushioned.

A multitude of aerobic practices are carried out on the springboard, so that benefits such as the following are received:

How is Jumping Fitness practiced?

As we have already pointed out, Jumping Fitness takes place through classes ranging from 45 to 60 minutes.Sometimes you can find 30 -minute sessions for those who just enter them.

Classes are directed by a coach, who is also responsible for selecting the musical clues that serve as companions.These, in theory, help guide the movements and mark the pace to move from half to high intensity.

The selected movements are in accordance with the level of the participants, the objective of the class and the coach's experience.All these are done in a springboard that may or may not have a support handlebar.Among the most used exercises in a Jumping Fitness session we highlight the following.


As with any other discipline, Body Jump begins by stretching and heating the muscles involved.Although both things can be done far from the springboard, the first 5 minutes of a typical class are intended to prepare your muscles once you are about this.

In this way, the coach, by the hand of a musical background, will use the following as a heating system:

These are some movements indicated to heat, essential to avoid injuries and achieve maximum muscle performance.No Jumping Fitness session must omit them at the beginning.


The trot or jogging can be adapted to an elastic bed, so that every body jump session includes it for a few minutes.It is more friendly with the joints, while safer to practice for some groups of people.

In general, it is done at a medium intensity, although there may be moments when it rises to a high peak.Demands greater stability in the core, calves and quadriceps, since the small changes derived from the springboard effect tend to unbalance the center of gravity with each step.

3.Aerobic dance

The aerobic dance is one of the most underestimated exercise variants.A high intensity session may burn up to 500 calories, so that all kinds of Jumping Fitness include some type of dance.These are chosen according to the participants, so that they can come from Zumba to the Eastern Dance.

For greater comfort, large trampolines can be used, expanding the surface of the base for greater freedom of movements.When trying to look for a greater caloric expense, it is very common to make modifications of the steps and give rise to greater improvisation.

4.Exercise with weights

Although not all sessions are worth them, the use of weights is admitted during a Body Jump session.Thus it is combined in a single routine aerobic and anaerobic activities and muscle strengthening is achieved in the process.

Naturally, the weight is regulated just a few kilograms to maintain the essence of the discipline and avoid accidents with the springboard.

Most movements can be reinterpreted to include weight, although classic anaerobic routines can also be made with the addition of the jump.It all depends on physical condition and objectives.

Considerations for Jumping Fitness at home

These were some examples of what a Jumping Fitness class is.Nothing prevents you from developing at home, although you should consider a couple of previous details:

In addition to taking all this into account, you should also know that there are some contexts in which Jumping Fitness is contraindicated, such as urinary incontinence, vertigo, ankle sprains or recent injuries in the joints in the joints.Nor is its execution recommended after 5 months of pregnancy, although you can consult with the specialist doctor as you consider appropriate.

Remember that it will take a couple of classes, on average 5 or 6, familiarize yourself with the movements and balance on the springboard.Avoid, then, exceed your abilities to avoid injuries or interruptions.

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