Papi Juancho, Pretty Boy, Dirty Boy, Maluma Baby...The most famous Colombian reggaeton singer in the world is identified by different names, but not so much by the authentic: Juan Luis Londoño, as simple as the shy and affectionate person who presents himself in the ‘shooting’ driving his own car.Next, it gives off the same magnetism that drives thousands of boys and girls crazy in their concerts.And in front of the camera is shown as the professional who with only 27 years has reached the top: several international awards, number one in the ranks, collaborations with Madonna, Shakira, Ricky Martin ..., a movie with Jennifer Lopez Lopez.A dream come true that began a decade ago in Medellín (Colombia), its hometown, when it conquered its countrymen with ‘Farandulera’ and ‘Obsession’, two of its first songs.

A little later, it was made with all of Latin America and, now, its music has no borders.One of his latest songs, ‘Hawaii’, accumulates almost 700 million views in Spotify.Even with all that success, Maluma keeps his feet on the ground.For him the most important thing is still his family."Thanks to them I am what I am," he wrote a few months ago on his Instagram profile (which, by the way, accumulates 58 million followers).Maybe that's why his artistic name - and the first word that was tattooed - is the sum of the first two letters of Mar, Luis and Manuela (his mother, his father and his older sister).

We dedicate to the singer the first cover of Cosmopolitan Spain starring a boy.To do this, we meet him in the Caribbean, at a complicated moment for his country, which is going through one of his most serious political crises.A fact that worries Maluma, as recently reflected in his Instagram account: “We are living sad, painful moments...Intolerance and uncertainty have taken over our lives (...) Nope more deaths, no more aggressions, ”he wrote in an excited‘ post ’.

You started your very young musical career, at 16.What was the hardest thing you had to give up?

To many things that made me the man and the artist that I am.The most difficult thing was to give up time with my family.I didn't stop seeing them, but I had to move to Bogotá, then to the United States...And I lost a time when I shared a lot with my parents.I also moved away from my friends and did not go out at night like any teenager, although I was never very partying.I had to live in a completely different way and it was difficult at first, but every sacrifice brings its fruit.Nopew I'm a happy man.

What did you feel the first time you got on stage and wears thousands of people sang your songs?

My first big show ’was in Medellín, where I was born.There were about 80.000 people and I had just turned 16.I knew absolutely anything.Neither put on stage, nor how to grab a microphone nor what it was to have dancers.There was even pyrotechnics and nobody notified me, so I almost died of the scare when he shot in the middle of the concert (laughs).But facing that challenge was worth it.Especially when I heard so many people at the same time sing my songs.I knew they were all there to give me their love and support a young man from his city, but that they transmitted all that love filled me with joy.

"En mi primer gran concierto no sabía ni cómo agarrar un micrófono"

What is the funniest anecdote that has happened to you in these years?

There are many, my career has been very funny, I have enjoyed a lot.I remember one in Colombia: I was returning from a concert to the hotel room with my work team.I said goodbye to them, I opened the door of the room and, suddenly, I found two girls who wanted to take a picture with me.I was very young and they too.The truth is that I don't know how they managed.In the end, I took the photo with them and left, but it is a funny anecdote and ‘heavy’.

Bernardo Doral

You are working on a new album, when can we listen to it?

Maluma: “Mi carrera acaba de empezar, lo más grande está por venir”

I don't know.I'm still focused on ‘7 days in Jamaica’, my last album.Before that, I launched ‘Papi Juancho’ with the song ‘Hawaii’, which was a ‘boom’, just like ‘Parce’ or ‘Madrid’...That does not mean that he has stopped making music, vice versa.I like to step on the accelerator even when I see that things are going.You can't be mediocre in this business, you can't sleep.I love to record, I spend a lot of time in the studio, but I want to make that next album calmly, that it is a jewel.I don't feel like throwing an album because yes; I want you to have big songs, they work globally.

Quiero hacer mi próximo álbum con calma, que sea una joyita. Nope lanzar un disco porque sí, sino que tenga canciones grandes

And we will have any surprise?

Yes a lot.I even hope to collaborate with artists who had never worked with me before.And I will also bet on new talents.I think it is important, from the position I have, listen to those who are starting and holding their hands.

Do you consider trying other musical genres in the future?

Yes, I recently launched a ranchera (‘100 years’) with my friend Carlos Rivera and in the Jamaica album that I have named there is a lot ‘reggae’.And I love sauce.This is my favorite genre and my dream is to make several songs with this rhythm.The challenges are going to continue having fun.

In a video with the Indian Yogi Sadhguru you tell him that sometimes you have considered leaving everything and also afraid of losing the spark.Does Maluma have existential crises?

Nope.And I thank God, life and universe.Nor do I suffer from mental health problems such as depression.I have relatives who have gone through this, but I am healthy, I have a balanced life and that has helped me not to lose my essence, not to get away from the human being that I am.When one invests a lot of time in his career or in this character that is Maluma, he begins to fill with gaps.That is why I try to stay spiritual and give importance to the beautiful things in the world.

Bernardo Doral

Do you have any trick to make the public figure compatible with the most intimate?

I think everyone knows 99,999% of my life, but there are moments of my privacy that I don't like to share, they are sacred.I don't care if they speak good or bad about me, but do not touch mine.My family is the most important.

Tell us what are the things that shoot your adrenaline...

I am a person who loves adrenaline more than normal.My team suffers because I love to dive, throw myself in parachute, ride in ‘quad’, I am a fan of speed, sports cars, practical mountain cycling ... I like everything that makes me feel alive and I do not regret anything.I always enjoy the present to one hundred percent.

You played football, another of your passions, until 2010.Would you change your career in music for being a successful footballer?

Nope, por nada del mundo.I love that sport and it was key in my career, because my constancy and discipline took them out of that stage, but music has given me a lot of joys and I have sacrificed me a lot for it.

Mojate: Messi or Neymar?

(Laughs) is a difficult question, but I have always been more fan of Messi.

Bernardo Doral

Another of your weaknesses are horses.Where does that passion come from?

Also of adrenaline, I lacked to include this in the previous response (laughs)!And it is something that is carried in the blood.In my land we are very lovers of horses, and my grandparents and my family have always worshiped animals.I dreamed of having one and, for economic issues, I could not allow me.Later, music gave me the opportunity to get my dreams.The most curious thing, however, is that I did not choose it, he chose me.It's called Hercules, it's in Colombia, it's a black frison and I love him with all my heart.I hope I never lack, nor I.Actually, I have several, a kind of hatchery, but my favorite is Hercules.

Me siento identificado con el budismo como un estilo de vida, en la meditación encuentro muchas respuestas y paz

Mesitas From the age of 12, your dog is called Buddha ... Do you feel identified with the Buddhist religion?

Yes a lot.For me it is a lifestyle.Following Buddhism, I have given answers that in other fields I have not achieved.I was raised in Catholicism and I also practice it.But in the Meditation Encounter Paz.

A few years ago, Becky G was censored his song older, do you think it's still frowned upon that reggaeton women talk about sex?

We have all ever been censored to talk about sex in the songs. Nope solo las mujeres, los hombres también.It is a long story, reggaeton is the urban genre that has been most indicated over the years.I already lived it, I burned that stage and I almost didn't talk about it in my lyrics, at least not so explicitly.They are phases that one leaves behind and, now that I am working on my new album, I think it is not necessary to talk about that way to make big songs worldwide.

Bernardo Doral

In addition to that new album, do you have any other project in mind that is not related to music?

Almost everything in my life revolves around my music.It is the first thing I think about waking up and the last before sleep.But I also have other priorities in the personal field.My number one plan is to be happy, to live on what I love and be calm.

Mi carrera me ocupa muchísimo tiempo, pero lo más grande que he hecho por amor es tener a esa persona como una prioridad den mi vida. Dejar todo a un lado y pensar con el corazón

You have launched breakfast-art and adm, which are quite romantic songs.What is the most beautiful thing you have done for love?

Seize everything to the side and think from the heart.Because my career occupies a lot of time, but the greatest thing I have done for love is to have that person as a priority in my life.

What do you prefer: Declare you or to be declared?

Declating myself more beautiful.

Maluma responds to our test ‘What do you prefer?’

And you are very close to your family.Who is your support in hard times?

My parents, who always listen to me when I need it most.I consider myself very lucky to have them.I get up every day and the first thing I do is write them to thank them for being alive, for being my real engine, my motivation, my company, my support...They are there for me in the same way that I am for them.

Is there anything you like to do especially when you visit Spain?

To eat! (He laughs out loud).I love eat.When I go to your country, I know I'm going to gain weight, but I don't care, I prepare myself.And I really like wine.

Bernardo Doral

How do you feel the first boy who stars the cover of Cosmopolitan Spain?

It is an honor, a pride.Being the first is something historical, I feel happy and grateful.To all readers, not just all women, I send them a kiss and a very big hug.Thanks for giving me this special cover.It is made with a lot of love, so I hope you enjoy it and surely see you soon because it is very missing. Nope sólo tengo ganas de la comida y el vino, también de mis fans españoles.

What does someone who at 27 have already reached a success as great as yours?

My dreams are just starting.My career has just started and the greatest is to come, because I'm still hungry to continue working.I want to get the Grammy Anglo, position myself as number one worldwide...I know it is not easy, but the dedication and good decisions will help to happen.I keep dreaming and I will continue to dream, that's the engine of my life.

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