The first of all is to know what you need to have perfect nails like professionals, but we are sure that if you like to bring painted nails you will have all the necessary materials.Write!

- Quitaesmaltes: Not only in case you had painted nails and, as they have been growing, you have not been retouching;but also, in case of getting out and painting our finger a little or that we don't like color ... we can choose to remove it with this product and a little paper or reusable cotton.And, of course, if you want them not to weaken, remember that it does not carry acetone.

- Lime.You need one to end any imperfection that may have the nail.When it comes to filing your nails it is important to always do it in the same direction and not from one place to another, because the form will not be exact.

¡Luce una manicura perfecta hecha por ti desde la comodidad de tu casa!

- Orange stick: It serves to remove or back the cuticle, but you can always do it with the nail itself, although the same result is not left.

- Enamels: In addition to the color you are going to use, you will be a transparent base enamel to hydrate the nail and protect it from very tired enamels.You will also need a Top Coat to apply after the enamel and that will help you protect the manicure and last longer.

Other elements that can be helpful are:

- Corrector pencil: a pencil that helps you eliminate the remains of enamels that have been able to be out of the nail, but you can also use a ribbon taper of remove enamels.

- Secant product: These products are very useful since they streamline your work.They dry the nails in a very short time and, in addition, they give you an extra layer of protection.There are spray or enamel

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