The first prototype incorporated a white rubber sole with a spiked groove and was attached to the shoe's body with a new thermosealing method known as vulcanization. Being a white rubber floor, it was prevented from leaving marks on the deck of the boat, making it the favorite shoe for sailors.

That's exactly where his original name comes from, Top-Sider. Sailors refer to the top deck of a ship like Top-Sider, so it is an appropriate nickname for shoes that allow them to stay on the top Sider without falling overboard.

Far from what you might think, the prototype of these nautical shoes was tarp. It is not until 1937 that the leather version that we all know today is presented. A leather treated in a special way so that it does not spoil with the spatter of the salt water. But not only that, but it's also the first shoe to incorporate the stitching of the pointer into the mocasin style and the "saddle saddle" cord.

Lo más curioso de todo es el riesgo que corrió Sperry con su invento: a pesar de dar con la suela antideslizante en 1935, no patentó su original piso de goma estriado hasta 1939, dándole el nombre de Razor-Siping™. Pronto se convirtieron en un éxito: Abercrombie & Fitch le hizo un pedido sin precedentes, las suelas las fabricaba Converse y para 1940 ya era el calzado oficial del uniforme casual de la Academia Naval de los Estados Unidos. Es entonces cuando Sperry, en su pico de éxito, vende la patente y el negocio a la US Rubber Company.

Por qué los zapatos náuticos de Sperry cuestan lo que cuestan

After World War II, the top Siders ceased to be part of the military uniform and returned to the streets. New models emerged and became the preferred shoes for leisure, tennis court and industrial clothing. Hence, they associate themselves with the American preppy look, because of their relationship with high sports, and with the famous American Sportwear style (Polo, Chinese and nautical pants or mocasins) cultivated in the mid-20th century in the United States.

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